

Dec 21, 2005
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Well, it was only a matter of time before the clown loaches went off to be re-homed as they would inevitably need a larger home than I can provide...

I just did not realise how attahced I had become to the critters until it came time to catch them this morning :/

I am so glad I did not give them names as I am sure it would have made it worse (may sound strange, but its true)

I will miss the playful little buggers.... :-(
I can relate. I had to face giving up my tiny dwarf frog but I didnt :/

Bear in mind you did the right thing for them!
Worst thing is, I knew they wouldget too big and was opposed to getting any in the first place knowing they would need to be rehomed...

And now I am the one more upset about them moving on, even though I tried not to get attached... :/
ahhhhh i no how u real it is even worse if you get close to a fish and then i dies
ahhhhh i no how u real it is even worse if you get close to a fish and then i dies

I know... the other day I found what I thought was one of my laetacara curviceps floating and I was absolutely gutted! I love my curvi's to bits and went to hell and back to get them, and to get a spawning pair.

Turned out it was actually the last of my pair of rams (I see what people mean about them leading short lives). After the first one passed on I was kind of expecting him to follow. It was still sad, but I had been expecting it.
i can relate to that. I gave up my 3 clown loaches when i just wanted a cichlid tank. It was a sad day but at least they stayed in the family - i gave 'em to my dad! At least i can go visit them evryday :D
Sorry about your loss chrismr.

Although I am sure one day you will get a bigger tank and beable to house some clown loaches. So it is something you can look forward to.

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