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  1. S

    Platy - male or female ?

    Yes it will be okay, as long as they are positively all the same sex...You Dont want fry, same as me. Find that out, how to tell the sex or ask the lfs, yesterday i met an actual very informed employee, who knew loads. There is actually a fin that you can tell if they are male/female...
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    My angel has velvet

    :o !! My fish might have this too! I noticed gold/yellowish behind the fins of my gupp, and i have no idea what it is....Velvet is a light dusting of tiny white specks, i thought. I thought it just might be his colours, but he doesnt have any on his talk or anywhere, just the behind the fins...
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    bloated dwarf gourami

    You can boil or nuke them in the microwave, I like to use frozen best lol, then take the shells off, cut up into little peices, and drop em, lol No idea on how much you should use though, cuz i only needed 2 for my guppies :rofl:
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    Too hot

    I have the same problem....although the temp doesnt drastically change in short time, this week has been the hottest ever( 30-32 degress with humidex!!) around here, for a long while ( I live north of Toronto about an hour, its usually never this hot) Good to know i can keep my fishies cool :rofl:
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    bloated dwarf gourami

    Are you sure its not internal worms (like i just recently had :-( ) Are there any other symptoms ? I'd second trying the peas, they worked a charm for me, and my guys love them!
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Bought new filter media, blah blah read my other post in tropical chitchat for the details, medicated(Parasite remover) and they show no signs of even stress!!everything is fine now. (or so it seems)...Thanks for the salt tips, i'll remember that
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    Internal Parasite Guard - Any good?

    Well, i bought Jungle tank buddies parasite clear, and the 10 gal is totally infection free, except the fishies in it possibly, lol Boiled gravel, deco, washed tank with hot watern salt, ran filter with nothing in it but hot salt water, rinsed it, and water is all infection free...Thew infected...
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    Internal Parasite Guard - Any good?

    Well, i had to Euthanise one of my guppies today because i figured out (with the help of you guys!) that he had Camallanus, or internal parasites/worms. I dont see any of the red threadlikes showing on any of the 3 remaining, but I was really wondering if I could try an Anti-Internal Parasite...
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Is there any meds i could get to help?? There are internal parasite meds at my Lfs, but are they just a rip off?? Update: their in the 5 gal, looking gloomy, i'm running the filter as we speak, the medium looks pretty disgusting :blink: i think i'll buy a new one
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Yeah, he is getting so bloated he swims a bit funny now ...I'll update after the tank is all cleaned out...thanks
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Thanks SO hope this doesnt wipe out my tank!!....I'll have to start later, could you tell me where the Euthanisia thread is again? :-( :no:
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Well today i really looked and he has more i can see :crazy: :-( the others show no sign of anything yet...thank god..i hope they make it!! So i'm moving them to the 5gal for now, and "jitters" shall...see his last day... Does it live in the actual tank water??(the Camallanus) Or is it just...
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Thanks.....well, will the pother guys live?? I mean, there will be no bacteria right, and wont the water levels go nuts? Plus i'm out of dechlor almost, i guess this will have to wait till tomorrow after babysitting :-( :-( ...thanks so much....yes i have a 5gal tank, nothing in it i think...
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Could you give me like a step by step?...agh, I'm so upset...and have no idea what to do This is my first aquarium, and i've only had fish for month n half pretty much...
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Thanks...well....what about the others....the infected one, was the first one i ever bought, :X :-( ....Are the rest going to die, do they have it??......aah@#&$%#%*&!!!
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    I....I'm not even positive it has these yet....and my parents will FREAK, because they paid for it and he was expensive in their eyes, and to them (they dont understand even cycling, let along disease!!) theres no reason to put it down....I dont know what to do, well i have a 5gal, but only 1...
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    Isolate WHERE? is the question....And are you serious? :-( :-( No other fish show symptoms, what can i do!!! :o
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    Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus

    My guppy has seemed bloated for a few days now...there was 2 of them bloated and i fed some peas, and the other has returned to almost normal, so i'm guessing his problem was constipation :lol: But my one guppy is still very bloated, and while i was looking for poop to see if the peas worked...
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    Swim Bladder

    Does anyone have just a bunch of info on Swim bladder disorder, and what you can do about it if you see symptoms ect....Nothings wrong, just want to get educated about fishy abnormal behavious :D lol
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    Painted tetras with guppies??

    Well, just lookin to add a few more to my ten gallon atm, as i said , 4 male guppies, so any suggestions on what i might be able to add in, would be great lol something pretty easy to keep, and energetic would be great I like Platys and mollies (the onews i've seen) ...any suggestions on those?
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    Painted tetras with guppies??

    \Oh...well good too know they all will be okay, the ones i wanted were like a baby blueish and baby pinkish, they did look a bit unnatural maybe Either way, i guess buying just for feelimg sorry, is how they make their profit, other tha n the attractiveness!!! Thanks for the warning. :no: Do...
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    Painted tetras with guppies??

    just wondering... I'm think of buying two painted tetras in the next month, will they be ok with 4 male guppies (they all get along now lol) Its a 10 gal
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    Mean Guppy (HELP before its too late!)

    They're fine now, also in the new 10gal, so more room for each to claim they're own lol....lotsa of places to hide too :P
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    Mean Guppy (HELP before its too late!)

    I definately dont have room for babies, nor want any! ..and i have 4 together...just checked, they seem fine, just ocasionally picking on eachother, while other times swimming peacefully almost like a school?! ...Guess they just are getting to know eachother or whatever But how can the...
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    Homemade Treats for Livebearers?

    lol, thats great! i cant cook a grilled cheese or choclate chip cookies without some kind of mishap. I can do omlettes though...hah...hope fish like omelettes...LOL :rofl:
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    Homemade Treats for Livebearers?

    I'd like to know what kind of treats could i give my livbearers?(Mostly guppies) what kinds of things are low-cost, and i have at home? any suggestions are awesome
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    Mean Guppy (HELP before its too late!)

    I just bought two new guppies, and broiught them home....but my one guppy, the oldest lets say, is very aggressive, and stalks and keeps attacking the other two (new ones) he did this to my other one when he was new, and he he doesnt bother him at all....Just mostly stalking annd...
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    Algea eater/ bottoim feeder

    It's just a thought,....but what kind of algea eater could i possibly get for a 10 gallon tank, if is there any other fish that would eat leftove foodsand help clean up, ect....not that i'm lazy, i just never know if i'm cleaning the gravel too throughly, and I'm still learning...
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    Guppy eyes change colour- Bad??

    Thanks lol, i am finding same...i'm taking this last fish back, and i will use the money towards some aquarium salt or something else for them, instead of a new fish. Out of 2 mollies, 1 platy, and 3 guppies, 2 have lived (i bought them all at seperate times, the most fish ever in the tank was...
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    I've heard 8 - 12 hrs max...The less bright light the better, so they can rest, and have less stress (would you like flourecent lights on you all day and night?) Thats just what i've read so far on here Ps..can the fishies see in the dark? Does anyone
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    Guppy eyes change colour- Bad??

    Really? Its just the one, lol never noticed any other ones doing it He's yellow and black speckled, with a black dot a little away from his eyes on each side, so when they are blavk it looks really freaky lol i'd get a pic, but he wont stay still, ;east not for the camera :rofl:
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    Tank stock

    I say a few guppies...they are so pretty!!I'm still a beginner, but i think their pretty easy to keep, considering a few mishaps my oldest has endured so far... :/ Just no girls and boys or you'll have some cute littles asap :crazy: Mollies and Platies are nice too
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    moving fish

    I'm planning a move myself very soon...from a 5gal to a ten...i thought if i take out half the water in the ten and replace it with the water from my five, will it be ok? I'm also going to use the old gravel, and same filter & sponge, will this be okay? that would be a 50% water change, am i...
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    Guppy eyes change colour- Bad??

    My guppy has been acting normal, since i got him , yesterday. Except his eyes are odd, they go from normal (whiteish ring around like other fishes are) to sometimes all happens with no notice, i've watched it!! ...he'll turn around, and i'll notice they're completely black, then ten...
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    Will i get unwanted fry?

    No no no...I now have 3 MALES!! Sorry about that, i decided 2 more males....they chase eachother sometimes, i'm hoping that will be ok, nothing serious and i watched them last night for hours lol Yes, when i do get a bit more money, definately before i get my new tank running, i will buy my own...
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    Undergravel filter

    well, i have one filter that i'm using now, the hang on back kind like you said , but only one.... I thought i might want to use it for my new tank, but doesnt is mess up the cycle by taking all the good bacteria from the gravel? I dont know, i like my HOB better anyway, i wont have any...
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    Undergravel filter

    I finally got my 10gallon, but it came with an Undergravel filter, which i am still undecided to use or not.... I've heard mixed results, and my research is the same. Any suggestions? I want to get this tank up and running soon, so any input would be Super! :D
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    Will i get unwanted fry?

    Well today i got my water tested there, and the guy was really nice and did it twice to make sure, and an extra ammonia test. The only thing wrong, he said was the pH was a bit high!!! ...i got some pH decreaser, and plan on using it in a few days, when the new guys arent so stressed maybe. i...
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    Will i get unwanted fry?

    Well today, it is absolutely essential that i take my 2 fish that passed away back to get a refund. But their policy i'm told, it that they give you new fish!....i don't really want any new ones yet, but if i did get a female fancy guppy like the male (i'm pretty sure it is)...will they mate? I...
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    2 Fish appear sick.. Don't know what to do!

    Just a question....the top of the water is starting to look a bit foamy, almost like the bubble nests my betta used to this bad? I still have not been able to get my water tested, but i took a few pictures of the Guppy, well tried to. He wont stay still long enough lol, i'm sure the...