
I've heard 8 - 12 hrs max...The less bright light the better, so they can rest, and have less stress (would you like flourecent lights on you all day and night?)
Thats just what i've read so far on here
Ps..can the fishies see in the dark? Does anyone
Ok thanks, and I am unsure if fishes can see in the dark but im just assuming they can. It would make sense if they could. :)
you need different amounts of light for different fish.

Average: 8-16 hrs. Most fish have to get 8 hrs of ''night time'' to stay healthy.

Also, you need to try and stay within the same time line as much as possible. What I mean is trying to have the light on at the same time everyday, and turn it off around the same time everyday. It would be best to put it on a timer so you know that you have the correct times and amount of light.

If you have any nocturnals, you need to keep it less than 12 hrs, and keep LOTS of rocks etc. for it to get under. Any other fish should be okay with 12-16hrs. Careful though, more light=more algae!

Hope this helps!

EDIT: fish should be like us at night. It would just take their eyes a little time to adjust. Actually, I would think, and hope, they could see b/c if not, you might find a few with a concussion the next moring from hitting something :lol:

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