Guppy eyes change colour- Bad??


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
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ON, Canada
My guppy has been acting normal, since i got him , yesterday. Except his eyes are odd, they go from normal (whiteish ring around like other fishes are) to sometimes all happens with no notice, i've watched it!! ...he'll turn around, and i'll notice they're completely black, then ten minutes later, back to it anything to worry about?
Ps. I found one of my other guppies dead, in a plastic plant today, but he was ok only hours ago.
Yesterday water stats were said to be almost fine, except a slightly high pH, but it says guppies can tolerate up to 7.6
it is a bit lower, about 7.4
Anything t0o worry about? As i am finding, Petsmart fish arent very good, as a few days ago as well my friend bought 2 goldfish and now she thinks her whole tank is infected with ick again...
Its just the one, lol never noticed any other ones doing it
He's yellow and black speckled, with a black dot a little away from his eyes on each side, so when they are blavk it looks really freaky lol
i'd get a pic, but he wont stay still, ;east not for the camera :rofl:
I know this is a little off topic, but I have had NOTHING but PROBLEMS with PetSmart!!! :angry: Most of the fish I got from them were sick, or became sick and died within a few days. Not to mention they sold me fish that did not belong together and sold me the wrong kind of food for one of the fish I bought. The sales people are not all that knowledgeable in the store by me, and it seems they are more interested in making money than helping you :grr: I can say this though: If it weren't for the people on this forum, I would be lost with all my fish. They are really smart and helpful, and the best advice they gave me which applies to you,"Do research on your fish before you buy them!" If I were you, I would look into finding another Lfs.
Thanks lol, i am finding same...i'm taking this last fish back, and i will use the money towards some aquarium salt or something else for them, instead of a new fish.
Out of 2 mollies, 1 platy, and 3 guppies, 2 have lived (i bought them all at seperate times, the most fish ever in the tank was 3, and that was fpr less than 2 full days!!)
the two guppies left, look very healthy and normal, and they both came out of the same tank there...hmm...still there is another lfs near that one, which is maybe a bit more expensive, but i saw no dead fish whatsoever in their tanks!
Spending the extra money to get peice of mind knowing your fish will live more than 1 day is definitely worth it. I am even looking in to buying my fish from a breeder. :D
I had the same problem with Petsmart. All was well with my tank, then I bought a few fish from Petsmart. Within a week, I had massive Ick on at least 5 fish as well as a fungus problem on 2 of my Platys. Now that my tank is finally free of disease/illness, today I ordered some fish from I've never ordered fish online, so we'll see how this goes. :)
Most wal-marts are the same... Although, with my wal-mart, I've had a little luck. Not much though...
eye changing color is common, my serpae tetra ocasionaly goes from a white ring around the eye, to a red ring around the eye. and he is a perfectly healthy fish.

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