Tank stock


New Member
May 30, 2005
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just after a few healthy recomendations really.

i have kept various fish in the past and had a nice tank and was successfully breeding convicts up until a home disaster (burst pipes long story)

also have kept angels when was younger with my dad,

as well as other various community tanks.

how ever havnt kept fish in a few yrs and was thinking of getting a small tank just for interest, thinking about 10 gallons,

just after a few ideas for stock, would like some angels but know they would get to big, failing that was thinking a betta? and maybe a few tetras?

any other suggestions?

all ideas welcome
1 male betta
5 wcmm (white cloud mountain minnows
2 adf's (african dwarf frogs)

maybe a couple ghost shrimp but this would probably be pushing it.

btw the bigger the tank the easier it is to care for and the more variety you can have but I'm sure you already knew that.
I say a few guppies...they are so pretty!!I'm still a beginner, but i think their pretty easy to keep, considering a few mishaps my oldest has endured so far... :/
Just no girls and boys or you'll have some cute littles asap :crazy:

Mollies and Platies are nice too
cheers guys,

liking the idea of the betta as like to have a central fish/attraction in my tanks.

but know they can have trouble with other fish and tail nipping.

what do the minows you mentioned look like? and the frogs? they could be interesting.

at the moment also considering a imac tank thing, could go well in my room,

wont be able to go much bigger than 15g really as dont have the room at the moment.

keep the advice coming
quite like dwarf gouramis to, whats the opinion on these as for tank size and for tank mates, know they can be a bit teritirial and fin nippers.

you'll have to do a search for the adf's there isn't an index for them in this forum as far as I know. They are completely aquatic amphibians as I understand it. They are white to grey with black spots and they get to about the size of a silver dollar. White clouds should be ok with a betta it's just one of those things ya know. It really depends on the betta's personallity.
Torrean said:

you'll have to do a search for the adf's there isn't an index for them in this forum as far as I know. They are completely aquatic amphibians as I understand it. They are white to grey with black spots and they get to about the size of a silver dollar.
I'd very seriously have to disagree with you on that one.
"white to grey with black spots", you must be refering to a clawed aquatic frog these little buggers grow around 6" or larger (but not to much) and they are agressive and go after small pray ie neons or guppies not the best idea unless you would like to keep one and only one in your 10 gal (not really a fish either).
However there cousins the dwarf aquatic frogs grow typical 1-1.5" inchs and are very peaceful but need a daily feeding of blood worms. Mine perfer a half full tank and somtimes climb out of the water on fixtures in their tank (but never out of the tank). They are cute and can be kept with ghost shrimp without any problems.

My personal recomindation would be to have 5 harlequin rasboras and 5 bronze cories somthing on the top and on the bottom an active colorful and clean tank.
That's odd that you disagree with me. I have two adf's and they are that coloration. They have webbed feet on the front so they are adf's. Are you sure about your color variations? What color's do you say they are?
No i'm talking about there backs. I have seen a lot of different color variations of adf's but none that I would call green. They were all shades of grey. I suppose I should have said grey to dark grey with dark grey sploches on there backs. They aren't really white. If you see a white one that is probably an acf not an adf like you were talking about. Ok sorry about that my mistake. I have heard the best way to tell them apart is by the front feet and your link said the same thing, I haven't heard of the eye thing before but it's good to know there are more ways to tell..
Another vote for a divided betta tank. Only I say divide it in 3.......more room for the viewing panel side for each betta plus odd numbers are more visually pleasing. :nod:
Be sure to get a color enhancing bulb for your bettas. They just POP in the right light. You'll have a living piece of artwork.

How about a dwarf puffer tank? That's something I'm dreaming about getting. These guys so small you can have them in small tanks. And they're so cute! Check it out.

Have fun shopping! :D

(P.S. If you were looking for a bigger tank, I'd recommend Bolivian Rams. I was just given a 30 gallon fully stocked tank and the Rams have become my new favorite fish. )
The Dwarf puffers Sound interesting.

are they readily available in the uk? ive not seen them around before.

any other ideas?
If you don't mind them, i think livebearers are a great group of fish and you could asily fit some platys or guppys in a 10gal with perhaps some corys patrolling the bottom of the tank, no?

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