Painted tetras with guppies??


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
ON, Canada
just wondering...
I'm think of buying two painted tetras in the next month, will they be ok with 4 male guppies (they all get along now lol)
Its a 10 gal
The tetras themselves will most likely be fine with the guppys but the "painted" part is not; "painted" fish is just a fancy term for dyed fish to make them sound more attractive to buyers, and dying fish is a very painful and cruel process for any fish with a high mortality rate during and after the process.
I suggest you read up the pinned article on dyed/painted fish in the Hybrid section of the forum and make up your own mind on wether you want to buy these fish, even if you buy the fish because you feel sorry for them you will only be making the people who do these things to fish a profit and encourage them to die more fish, and painted/dyed fish have a very short life span due to the process and rarely last more than a couple of months...
\Oh...well good too know they all will be okay, the ones i wanted were like a baby blueish and baby pinkish, they did look a bit unnatural maybe
Either way, i guess buying just for feelimg sorry, is how they make their profit, other tha n the attractiveness!!!
Thanks for the warning. :no:
Do you know the name of the tetras they were before they "paint" them lol, they were a bit bigger than most of the ones i'd seen like the neons ect. i'm sure their original colours suit better anyway
I wouldn't know what they would have originally been as there are many fish, particualy tetras, that can be dyed.
As for tetra needs though, they need to be in groups of at least 5-6 and a 10gal tank is the minimum- they can eat the same foods as guppys :) .
How many gallons does the tank they are going in and what and how many other fish are in there?
Well, just lookin to add a few more to my ten gallon atm, as i said , 4 male guppies, so any suggestions on what i might be able to add in, would be great lol
something pretty easy to keep, and energetic would be great
I like Platys and mollies (the onews i've seen) ...any suggestions on those?
I find corydoras and ottos get along well with guppies. I have them in both my male and female guppy tanks. The males get along well also with glowlight tetras, neons and blacklight tetras(black and silver stripes down the side).

For the life of me I cannot understand why they don't just sell whiteskirt tetras AS whiteskirts. My daughter got given a couple of dyed blue ones and one pink one. Two did die. The one that survived shed all that unnatural blue dye and turned into the most gorgeous silver white fish with lovely finnage. I would buy a whiteskirt in a second if I could find an undyed, ie. natural fish. Those pink and blue ones remind me of those unnaturally dyed pink and blue carnations they sometimes sell at Safeway. Just as strange looking. If people want a fish that unnaturally coloured why don't they just buy some plastic ones? It saves on feeding costs and setting up the tank! :kana: :lol:

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