Bloated Guppy Updated:Now Camallanus


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
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ON, Canada
My guppy has seemed bloated for a few days now...there was 2 of them bloated and i fed some peas, and the other has returned to almost normal, so i'm guessing his problem was constipation :lol:
But my one guppy is still very bloated, and while i was looking for poop to see if the peas worked, i noticed...these 2 sort of red strings, that are really really small, and it looks like he is pooping blood almost, but when he does it is normal...its just like redness and those tiny tiny stringy things...What is this :no: i havent a clue.....
I would isolate the fish as it has internal worms if there is a red stringy thing prutruding from the anus, sorry.
I am not the writer of this imformation.

Camallanus are red worms that can be seen protruding from the anus of the fish, especially after eating and when the fish is at rest. From what I’ve seen, livebearers and Gourami seem to be the most susceptible to it. It is very difficult to treat and multiplies using an invertebrate as a host. Destroy infected fish and medicate to (hopefully) kill hosts and larvae. (or you can tear down your tank, sterilize your equipment, and start over). If you leave exposed fish in the tank, wait a few months before adding new fish.
Isolate WHERE? is the question....And are you serious? :-( :-(

No other fish show symptoms, what can i do!!! :eek:
its very common for guppys in particular to carry these worms.
It's very hard to cure, and worms can be passed on to the others in the tank, by sucking up there poo, best if you can get her out of the tank, as the host will leave the body when she dies, usually it's best to put the fish down or she will infect the whole tank, and then i had sto strip the whole tank down and sterlise it to make sure the others survived, and they have.
I....I'm not even positive it has these yet....and my parents will FREAK, because they paid for it and he was expensive in their eyes, and to them (they dont understand even cycling, let along disease!!) theres no reason to put it down....I dont know what to do, well i have a 5gal, but only 1 filter!!.....and what do i do with the fish when i have to totally sterilise the tank??...wont they die because it'll be a 100% water change?? help!!
Thanks...well....what about the others....the infected one, was the first one i ever bought, :X :-(
....Are the rest going to die, do they have it??......aah@#&$%#%*&!!!
Can't say for sure, if you take that one out, and sterlise the tank, you stand a chance, alot of work, but it saves the fishies lives, i was lucky have two other tank to start the tank up again, not so good if you only have the one, as you have to throw away or boil the sponge's for ages, sorry it's awful been there so no how you feel.
Could you give me like a step by step?...agh, I'm so upset...and have no idea what to do This is my first aquarium, and i've only had fish for month n half pretty much...
Sorry i feel for you, right get the infected fish out, i no this is awful but you will have to put it down, do the tank when you have time, put fish in a toy box container, or do you have a spare tank, remove everything.
hot water and salt and give the tank i good rub and clean, rinse well, leave to dry.
Boil gravel again or throw it away and add new it's easier to add new if you have some, and sterlise the new again.
filter put in a hot bucket of water with alot of salt added, run the filter for a while to sterlise it, then rinse in warm water and run again, to make sure the salt is out.
Boil or buy new filter sponges, i rinsed mine first them boil them about 5 times in an old pan.
Clean and sterlise all plants and ornaments, then just set tank up again.
Thanks.....well, will the pother guys live?? I mean, there will be no bacteria right, and wont the water levels go nuts? Plus i'm out of dechlor almost, i guess this will have to wait till tomorrow after babysitting :-( :-( ...thanks so much....yes i have a 5gal tank, nothing in it i think i'll put the other 3 in there, and my little guy...iunno....a big water jug i guess...
Ask the lfs if they can give you some filter meduim or gravel to start your tank up again, yes you will lose most of the fish to the internal parasites if you don't strip the tank, down, you can't win sometimes, good luck and i wish you all the best.
found this for you

Camallanus is also fairly common in guppies. It's an orange or red intestinal round worm that lives on the blood and other body fluids of live-bearers. You will probably first notice the problem when you see one protruding from the anus of one of your fish. Fortunately, it's extremely easy to prevent. Don't feed your fish cyclops. Cyclops are a very small animal that guppies absolutely love to eat, but unfortunately cyclops are a carrier of camallanus. Even commercially sold cyclops are dangerous. Also, a good reason for cleaning plants, and dumping out the water that the plants came in is that cyclops will sometimes hitch a ride. I ended up with cyclops in a tank because of a plant that I didn't introduce to my tank properly. I also lost several of my best fish before I realized what was wrong. You will need something to kill parasites if you get this illness in your tank. Let your pet shop know what other species of fish you have in your tank, especially snails. The only thing more dangerous than the cure is the disease, so expect to lose fish with this. Some of your pregnant females may also miscarry, as the medication is quite hard on them.

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