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  1. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Lately i've noticed my one guppy acting a bit strange. His fins have been clamped, and he was shimming. I did a water change, and put salt in, still no better. the other 2 are perfectly normal, and this one might not be eating, he didnt grab as many flakes as usual today....heres a...
  2. zoo136.jpg


  3. S

    Dwarf Gourami w/ white poo

    Yes, hopefully he feels better. I'd try to get him in the main tank asap, unless you could run some sort of aeration for him, because I'm the same my QT tank doesnt have anything but a heater. And the lack of oxygen might be making him act wonky.
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    Dwarf Gourami w/ white poo

    Isn't it if your nitrates or nitrites (one or the other) is zero, your tank isnt fully cycled yet? Also, congrats on getting one,,,you beat me to it, lol. Maybe it's just stress, from the move? I'd try some aquarium salt, works wonders for me ;) Sorry i cant help much... :S
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    Home Made Python.

    I hope he replies soon as well...I love DIY...especially useful ones ;lol
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    How can I be ABSOLUTELY Sure..

    Yep, It'll be my centerpeice hopefully, also gonna try a pvc tube I'll post pics next week (exams and i get a few days off inbetween, waiting for the $$ to buy slate lol) :lol:
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    How can I be ABSOLUTELY Sure..

    Alright Thanks....I;m thinking slate, to make a nice slate cave thingy that they can swim through.....or granite. I have pieces of granite in my garage that was once a table (dont ask, my mom said it was a table) I am not leaning towards that, but i'm hoping it would be thanks
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    Just purchased 2 dwarf gourmamis

    Sorry i can't really help you with your question, as i want a new dwarf gourami myself, but i have to say... I absolutely LOVE your tank. :drool: Could you try to get some pictures of your fish?
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    How can I be ABSOLUTELY Sure..

    I've been looking around, and I've heard a few ways you can tell if a rock can be used in the aquarium, with no negative effects. (Vinegar??) I need to know the best and easiest way to tell, or even rock types that i could go pick up from my Home Hardware....All help appreciated as always ;)
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    Guppy question

    Lol, I'm the same as you, if I dont worry too much about my tank, then nothing happens, its when I'm worrying and checking them every 2hours and messing around, trying to get everything perfect, they get sick. So I just moderate between the two. I add salt to my tank once a week, and if i see...
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    Drinking Glass safe for Aquarium?

    Thanks!...I'm soaking right now to get the sticker off, and i hope my fishies like it too :D
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    Drinking Glass safe for Aquarium?

    Well, its like a clear drink glass lol.,...If mugs are okay, i could one of those too....i also have a terracotta pot, that was only used for 'dirt cake' :rofl: any of those okay?
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    Drinking Glass safe for Aquarium?

    I was just wondering, if i could use a normal ordinary glazed drinking glass inmy aquarium. I mean, it should be safe, considering it is used for food right? And is waterproof...Just wondering lol,
  14. S

    Found something good

    \I made one! works great!...i even poked holes in it, and just pulled apart my biggest plant, to make another one :D work great. Once i get the time (and the water bottles), i'll prolly make them all like that, much easier to re-landscape!
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    Clowns and Cleaners

    I wish i could have clowns :-( ....Not even enough money to finish stocking my running tank though atm, lol...Great pictures
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    Grrr.....How many times can I change my mind?

    Sounds like it would look good to me...I don't know much, but i think it would be an interesting tank
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    have you ever been so desperate

    My old Betta lived his whole life in a 2gallon clear glass vase, that i found at Micheals for $2.99.. :lol: It looked beautiful, and i made his plant a perfect hidey place.
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    Unhappy Gourami

    I think, maybe you should keep 2 males, and get some other fish!....Wouldnt male/females make fry (do you want fry? :unsure: ) and yeah, that is a bit weird though, that hes smaller and seems different. I have one fish of mine that is abnormally small, and he goes along with my biggest guy...
  19. S

    What can I put in here?

    Maybe they wouldn't get along as well? I'm sure a cory or two looks a lot scarier than a few tiny guppies couldnt scare plankton, let alone anything bigger. You have a few more fish than me as well, My tank at the moment only has about 4 1/2 inches MAX in it. I'm sure...
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    Could I Possibly Put...

    Lol, thats surprising. Then again, what isnt with anima; care these days. My Petsmart has oscars in 7 gal tanks with 4 inches of water, "cleaning" My friend and i complained and they said they were fine...HAH :no: And my Big Als is sometimes okay, other times they're tanks are...
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    Live Bearers Hassle or Joy?

    An all-male guppy tank won;t have problems....well mine doesnt. I had 4 and a black molly in it before, all males, they get along fine. Its pretty easily determined male from female in livebearers (most, there are exceptions) but a male/female only tank is fine i think.
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    Safe and Gentle ways to lower pH?

    Thanks guys....yeah well, not trying it now lol, but if i ever need to later on, because of more delicate fish or whatever reasons, i know an easier way. thx
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    Safe and Gentle ways to lower pH?

    Well, I'm planning on adding a few fish to my my tank, but i really want to get my pH down a bit...its around a bit higher than 8, right out of the tap, and in the tank. I did buy some chemical to lower it, but i've used it very carefully, and no effect. I have really hard water lol, and I'm...
  24. S

    What can I put in here?

    I have the same problem....3 MALE guppies though, in a 10gal, no cories. Could I put a Dwarf or Honey Gourami in there? I only really want maybe 1 male, or 2 female, preferably one.
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    Could I Possibly Put...

    I'm in Ontairio, yes....and I have NO IDEA...I live near Barrie, and the best Lfs is "Big Al's" .... i think there are a few locations in ON alone. visit the site, and check it out....only place I've seen them so far, and there were none yesterday (but they were getting alot of new fish in...
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    Could I Possibly Put...

    Okay, will there any way to really tell agressive ones? Well i guess Lfs has 10 in a tank together, :( I'm surprised they even show them. Petsmart snobbishly told me no one wanted them, so why would they sell them....I think the assistant was just a
  27. S

    I think it's please

    I've used the tabs before, and they were okay. I just suspected bacterial infection, because one died from it, and they showed no symptoms, but i still gave it anyway, just to be sure. Nothing really happened, the water got a tad cloudy white, but its really hot lately, and it cleared up by the...
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    Filter to strong?

    HERE WE too, and was tried and tested on Bio-wheels... Best Filter Killing Method.....
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    Filter to strong?

    theres some ideas....and i've seen on here, you cut the middle out of a waterbottle, then slice again so its a kind of U shape, and put it over where the water comes out, and it pushes the flow against the tank wall before dissipating....I'm trying to find that thread, lolFilterCurrent toostrong?
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    Filter to strong?

    Try turning it down as low as it goes....What kind of fish are in there? If they're really little they might have problems, as in getting exhausted and then stressed, lastly...sick :( I've been there, and my filter is definately too big for my tank aswell, more than 10 gallons to...
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    Could I Possibly Put...

    Yeah, I definately to know, I wasn't going for a male anyway, that would take all the spotlight from my guppies, lol. I hope more people reply :D
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    Could I Possibly Put...

    I was really wondering if i could put a betta in my 10gal with my 3 guppies. I heard its not a good idea, because they don't like the tails or something, but then I've also heard it was okay for some people. I don't know if it matters between which sex is more aggressive with other fish, male...
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    55 gal Planted..

    I like the bright green-ness of it, looks so alive Sure beats my plastic plants lol
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    I went to my Walmart today, and to my surprise THERE WAS AN ASSOCIATE!! :blink: and i only observed about 4 dead fish, still extremely overcrowded tanks, but they looked clean and well, better than Petsmarts today (its right across the street too) The Bettas still looked bad though, I HATE...
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    Fav LIVE BEarer

    I love my guppy boys too,and i can catch them if i need to without being scared (Friends HUGE Catfish/Algea eater of some sort tried to get me, i swear!! never even going there again!!) :crazy: they never stop swimming!
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    Found something good

    I thought this was actually kindof cool, considering i have a lot of trouble keeping my fake plants standing the way i'd like them to... Plant Anchors I'm going to try to make one later
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    bloated dwarf gourami

    K, thanks
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    Worst Fish

    I say, the worst fish, are the sick fish from Petsmart....laNY FISH from there, really. lol...gave my whole tank internal parasites!!(Thank god only 1 casualty, everyone else is a-ok) And then had the nerve to say it was MY fault!, that my tank gave it to the fish (btw, he was first fish in that...
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    bloated dwarf gourami

    Wilder, whats the safest treats (like the tubifex, bloodworms ect\) to feed our aquarium friends? I've really seen alot of problems with some of the ones i've heard, which has made me hesitate to buy anything.
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    My angel has velvet

    Yeah i guess it does, because some days i never see the same coluor twice, swish of a tail and its gone, and when the aquarium lights are on, the fish look really different.