bloated dwarf gourami


New Member
Oct 23, 2004
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Hi, I have noticed that my red dwarf gourami stopped eating in the community tank about 6-7 days ago. Then he became bloated and motionless, just hanging in there. I have isolated him to a hospital tank, have been medicating him with Furan-2 according to the description on the package for 4 days. He seems to be a little more active, but still not eating and bloating doesn't go away. What should I do now? Continue medication? Stop it and change the water? Switch to another medication? Any advice would help.
Aklso i would try some shelled peas, it could be constipation, could the fish maintain it's balance in the water, are scales stuck out like a pinecone, what do you feed your fish.
Are you sure its not internal worms (like i just recently had :-( ) Are there any other symptoms ?
I'd second trying the peas, they worked a charm for me, and my guys love them!
Thanks for your input.
Recently I've been giving my little guys a lot of live tubifex worms. I am afraid that the sick fellow has now some kind of infection from the worms. I have angels in my community tank and they go crazy about these worms. Also flakes and tablets for cories, some cucumber for otos. How do I prepare the peas, just remove the shells and that's it? Just leave them floating?
Also scales are no sticking out, no other symptoms really. Just very bloated belly.
You can boil or nuke them in the microwave, I like to use frozen best lol, then take the shells off, cut up into little peices, and drop em, lol
No idea on how much you should use though, cuz i only needed 2 for my guppies :rofl:
Tubliex worms are one of the worst live foods you can get, as they can fetch things into the tank, i will only use freeze dried tubilex, i would try the shelled peas for now if there is no improvement get back to the board.
Wilder, whats the safest treats (like the tubifex, bloodworms ect\) to feed our aquarium friends?
I've really seen alot of problems with some of the ones i've heard, which has made me hesitate to buy anything.
I don't buy live, i just use frozen and freeze dried, frozen fine had no problems.
Sorry to inform you, guys, I had to put him to sleep today. So sad! He didn't show any improvement, only bloating was getting worse and some erosions started to develop on the gills covers. I feel so miserable now....
Sorrry R.I.P.

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