55 gal Planted..


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2004
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Well about 5-6 days after I added a UV you can see the effect it had. A good one that is. I redesigned the plants and I think this way looks a hell of a lot better.

Back Row(From left to right)
Hygrophilia Polysperma
Vallis Spiralis
Hygrophilia Polysperma (Tropic Sunset)

Water Sprite
1 Amazon Sword
1 Amazon Sword
1 Anubias barteri v angustifolia
1 Amazon sword
1 Anubias barteri v angustifolia
Water Sprite
1 Anubias barteri v angustifolia
Water Sprite

Sag, Dwarf Subulata

Thats it hope you like it. :) As you can see some of plants are almost to the surface of the tank. hehe.


  • tankfull.jpg
    50.2 KB · Views: 48
Looks absolutely beautiful - but any fish ?? :dunno:
Not yet, probally less than a week till I add some fish. It's about finished cycling. It got delayed because of green water bloom for some reason but it's almost done now.
I think it looks even better with the white moonlights. Just enough light to really make them look cool. :p
Wow. Amazing. Love it. Am also jealous cos you have a bigger tank than me.

You look like you're into the serious planted tank business...is this your first planted tank?

I'm by far an expert, but I'm learning. 6ppm is _really_ low for CO2. Are you experimenting with your mixtures to get a higher output?
I haven't really figured out my C02 yet. My last mixture gave me too many bubbles because of too much yeast.. I'm going to try a slower mixture today actually, thanks for reminding me hehe.

Yes this is my first planted tank.. Also that 6 PPM is without any CO2 additions. Thats how much is in the tap water.
Also that 6 PPM is without any CO2 additions
oh right, that makes sense!! I just assumed that since you had 2 bottles the reading were from that.

I'm having a nightmare with my co2. I've got the hagen kit and have been using sachets which have been giving me a steady reading of around 18ppm. Now I'm trying my own mix to try and get nearer 30ppm, and it's all going wrong. Had about 50 odd ppm the other day (which is lethal to fish) and now I've only got 1 bubble evry 8 seconds!! so co2 is prob too low now. Just cant get the yeast right.
Mine takes a few hours to get going so I won't know how many bubbles its producicing for a little while.
Here's the top part of my DIY reactor. It's not exactly the same as some sites say but it should still help.


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Regardless if you can actually see the bottom of it. I still think it's a cool picture. It's near the filter intake so any CO2 saturated water will be circulated.


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Coupe of thing,

First-- Congradulations for getting into planted aquaria. :)

Second-- Cycling? What is this cycling? I have never heard of it!!??? j/k-- bottom line, planted aquarists don't cycle their tanks. With enough plants at the beginning, the cycle is instantaneous as plants carry live bacteria cultures. Almost all planted aquarists are ready to add fish and shrimp as soon as the tank is set up, especially if you are using eco complete or another substrate with live bacteria culture.

Third-- Where's the hardscape? :blink:
yea nice tank, i didnt cycle mine, added fish in about a day after putting in some plants. Just wait till every grows and u have to start to crop it all, get's really annoying,

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