Dwarf Gourami w/ white poo


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
I have a dwarf gourami that's been in quarantine for 5 days now. A few days ago he got a few light spots on him. The scales are still there, but there are little spots all over him that are creamy colored. It's like the color is just gone in those areas. He also isn't eating much at all and he's not very active. The quar. tank is a 2-gal. The water in it is all at zero. I'm not sure what, if anything, I can do. He is under warranty though so I can take him back if he's really sick, as opposed to pouring money I don't have into meds that may not work.

Edit: There isn't any cottony, fungusy looking stuff. It's all is smooth and flat. Just not colored right. And he has stringy white poo, but I treated for that 4 days ago. I've seen some yesterday though so will I need to treat again?
Isn't it if your nitrates or nitrites (one or the other) is zero, your tank isnt fully cycled yet?
Also, congrats on getting one,,,you beat me to it, lol. Maybe it's just stress, from the move? I'd try some aquarium salt, works wonders for me ;)
Sorry i cant help much... :S
The quarantine tank is definitely not cycled. I actually don't have a filter for it... I do changes eveyday and use ammo-lock so that doesn't bother him. I will add some salt. Maybe that will help. I've added a little melafix and pimafix. I hope he'll get better soon.

Thanks for the help!
Yes, hopefully he feels better. I'd try to get him in the main tank asap, unless you could run some sort of aeration for him, because I'm the same my QT tank doesnt have anything but a heater. And the lack of oxygen might be making him act wonky.
Are the spots on the dorsal fin and below the dorsal fin on its back going down to his tummy.
Are you sure it isn't just ich? I mean that's kind of the most obvious thing and you should treat with an anti-ich/velvet med. Raising the temperature will help (gradualy to around 79 deg F) but keep the treatment going for at least a week or two after the spots have gone as this protozoan parasite has a lifecycle in which it can only be treated whilst it's in its free-swimming (and also invisible) syage. Obviously, only raise the temp./treat etc if you find this realy is just ich.
There are no salt-like spots on him. I've seen a typical case of ick before and this is nothing like it, so I'm thinking that's not it. The spots are just little pale areas... the scales look fine, just colored beige instead of the blue/red they are supposed to be. The largest one is still pretty small, and it's just below his top fin. the others are just randomly spread on his body. I noticed 3 days ago (just before I saw the spot) that his poop was like white stringy stuff. So I treated with Parasite Clear as it directed. So far I haven't seen anymore of that, but he's also not eating much either. His gills and mouth are going pretty fast, although there is plenty of air from the airstone.
I gave him a salt bath earlier and it seemed to make him feel a little bettter for a while, but he's pretty much back to where he was now.
Should I just return him to the store, or is this something he can overcome?

Edit: here's a couple of pix, though they aren't too good. In the first one you can see just a tiny cream colored spot right below his top fin. In the second one, the spot is in about the same spot, but on the other side. It's at the end of the hair (or something) that's on the surface of the water. There are 4-5 more smaller spots like these on him that aren't showing up in the pix.


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Need larger picks is that a stringy thing on one of the fish, is sounding like saddleback columnaris to me i'm afraid, the symptoms you are describing are bacteria or parasite, any flicking and rubbing.
The string was a piece of something on the surface of the water. There has been no flicking or rubbing. Just the occassional white poop and the cream-colored spots on him. I'll try to get some closer pix.
I put some malachite green & foramaline in his tank along with a little salt and melafix. He seems to feel a little better, but still not eating. He is swimming more now though. The spots still look that same.
I would try some shelled peas to see if that clears the white stringy poo up, just to make sure he isn't constipated,I wouldn't off added the mg med till you no what's going on.

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