Safe and Gentle ways to lower pH?


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
ON, Canada
Well, I'm planning on adding a few fish to my my tank, but i really want to get my pH down a bit...its around a bit higher than 8, right out of the tap, and in the tank.
I did buy some chemical to lower it, but i've used it very carefully, and no effect. I have really hard water lol, and I'm also to afriad to add more and more stuff, because it can kill my fish, i know that.
My beginner water woes have just evened out wonderfully for a couple weeks now, and the tank is great except a high pH.
I know the fish are fine and have adapted, but if the need ever comes, like say i get a new bigger tank, and want fish that prefer a much lower pH, I'd like to know how to lower it.
Hi Squishibabe,

the biggest mistake most new aquarists make is to mess with the pH. My advice is leave it alone. Your fish are fine and will probably remain that way. I wouldn't recommend adding any of the pH down products at all.

Good luck!
Wouldn't mess with the ph it's not worth it, and then you are going to have to worry about water changes.
It's best not to mess with water chemistry until you really really know what you're doing.

That said, the best way to do anything with your water is natural. Don't get chemicals for anything unless you absolutely have to.

Peat moss softens water nicely, and is cheap. There are many ways to use it, either by adding it to the filter media or by pre-treating your water with it. Here's a link : Peat Moss and it's use in the Aquarium. It adds tannins to your water, so it will look stained. This is normal and fine, your fish actually prefer it. If you find it unpleasing, you can remove tannin by adding activated carbon to your filtration. Carbon requires regular replacement and cannot be used when medicating, or when live plants are in the water. The reason being the carbon will remove nutrients neccessary for plants.

Don't use chemicals. Most fish are fine at 8 - especially if get them at your lfs which is bound to have the same or similar PH.
You could try adding some bogwood to your tank or add peat to your filter.
Thanks guys....yeah well, not trying it now lol, but if i ever need to later on, because of more delicate fish or whatever reasons, i know an easier way. thx

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