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  1. S

    I want a Gourami!

    I'm prolly getting 1 dwarf, and could i later on get a trio of sparklers? lol, i think i might just invest in a bigger tank once i get lots of money, and my 10gal could be for gouramis. As for now, I think 1 dwarf, and maybe some different fish after. Will he be lonely though?
  2. S

    I want a Gourami!

    Okay, I just do not want fry lol, so I think I'll start with one male, then once I get levels stable and everyone is disease free, I'll add two females.(maybe sparkling, maybe another dwarf) Then again i have read that its not like livebearer breeding, and its harder lol, you actually need to...
  3. S

    dwarf gourami

    By what I've read they are pretty peaceful fish, like all sorts of them, so It should be okay. I have guppies and i've been told I could have a few in my tank as well, so i'm sure youd be alright (correct me if theres something wrong lol)
  4. S

    I want a Gourami!

    I was wondering, if i got 2 gouramis of different sex, but different species as well (ex Dwarf and Sparkling) Will they mate? :crazy: Dont want any unexpected inbreds lol I also saw these things called "neon blue gouramis" in with the dwarfs at my lfs...what are they really, are they dyed?? Do...
  5. S

    I want a Gourami!

    I have a 10gal, with 2 male guppies in it atm, and I really like the sound of gouramis. I was thinking a single male dwarf, but have been browsing and noticed that 'sparklers' or sparkling' gouramis sound pretty small and good as well. Any suggestions? Stories and experiences would be great...
  6. S

    Easiest beginner plants?

    I agree, I do have a very high pH aswell. Anything else easy, I like the look of vallis, and just sort of weedy plants that grow up ( Not really that fond of the 'carpet' look of some of those plants)
  7. S

    Easiest beginner plants?

    I've read the pinned topic on here about common plants, and their requirements, but I'd like to know by others' experience, which need the least light, and little care, but also arent expensive. Thanks.
  8. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Well, I'm positive only he had gone so far as to those, the oother 2 are great today, and I am double treating for all parasites the med mostly covered, so inside and out, even specifically said for gill & body flukes :) I really hope i dont have to strip the tank down, AGAIN, because frankly...
  9. S


    I say silicon, just because its watersealed, and i bet prolly stronger. If i were building the actual tank lol. Ornaments, I'm not sure myself, but for mine i have to use the aquarium sealant or they wont stick properly, lol.
  10. S

    Lost a Guppy

    Yeah, i find that some guppies just arent hardy, while i have 2 now that are never gonna had one die yesterday, check the plants reeeealy well, thats where i found my poo guy :(
  11. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Well,, hes gone.... :rip: :byebye: the others still doing well, I'm watching like a HAWK..... When can i add a new fish....2 guppies in a ten gallon is pretty lonely...sigh...
  12. S

    What should I change?

    I dont know what it is, I got that on my class zoo trip a few weeks ago (Yes high school students still have fun at the zoo.. :rofl: ) It was massive though. Like bigger than any fish I've ever seen that close. Lets just say, if i out that in my 10 gallon, it would be half sticking out, and...
  13. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Lol, yes thank god. About how much was he, I've no idea the prices for these fish lol Hope he pulls through, my gupp isnt doing well, here is what he is doing right now, other than getting blown by the filter current occasionally..sniff...(Vertically gasping at surface)....other guys are okay...
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  15. S

    What should I change?

    While i was at it, i got this...this guys always rooting around for food, lol :P
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  17. S

    What should I change?

    Yes, 3 guppies at the moment. I made the background, took pics, but i'm waiting for them to download now, so i'll edit this post in a minute to show you...ut does look good...I think i might go for some different plastic plants soon, as you can see i bought one huge one and broke it up :D lol...
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  19. S

    same pic-different angle

    Stunning...Its a jungle in there!! lol...I think it looks okay there, but your right, you dont want a big mess either...hmm..
  20. S

    What should I change?

    Yes, thanks lol Garbage bags, great idea!! ...I was pondering what to use, because I've more important things i need to but for my aquarium than a background, lol. I'm going to measure right now...thanks for kicking me off into a productive mood :D I'll post pics later :P
  21. S

    What should I change?

    I"m looking for suggestions on what to change, I'm planning on making a slate certerpiece very soon, and replacing the terracotta pots with homemade rock caves (woohoo for DIY!) Ps, Live plants not an option atm, as i have no money already, maybe next month once i get some cash saved, lol.
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  23. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Just whats in my sigg, is in there. And i have added salt almost everyday, since friday night. can i add too much?
  24. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    And thanks fishwatcher, tell me how your new dwarf is! lol.....I'm still hoping that i can get one...geez, I just can't win.
  25. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Its confirmed...another fish has it aswell, I'm pretty sure they all do, but I think the two will pull through, no signs other than the gold stuff. Poor guy is shimmying so badly now, like seziures...I hope he gets better, hes swimming, but cant seem to stay down, like hes full of air, If he...
  26. S

    Albino BN and Ram

    Like the little coloured spots on the ram, its pretty. As for Pleco...err...I'm afriad of them lol, its a long story....
  27. S

    new tank layouts!! yet agin

    :wub: Gupp/Neon tank it looks like. Gorgeous. Your plants and wood look so natural too. I cant stay in this forum for long, get me too jelous, lol :rofl:
  28. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Thanks, again lol.
  29. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Yes....sigh...oh dear, will i ever have fishy success? I'm positive he came sick though, because he had that colouring from day 1. I try to pick healthy fish, but its hard in a tank of 300 guppies, lol. I'll be watching him, and the others carefully, I guess no new dwarf gourami(or any fish)...
  30. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Just gave a salt bath....hes worse than ever! ..he cant swim properly, and just wiggles at the surface..... :-( :-( I put the treatment in, I'm pretty sure hes not going to make it though...His gills are very inflamed, and one side looks like its swollen almost, i checked with a...
  31. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Alright then. I'm going ahead with the meds, they say 1 tab for each 10gal, then wait 48 hours, do a water change, 2nd treatment. Could i give him a salt bath? Exactly how much salt btw, lol
  32. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Wilder, the link didnt work.... :( Should i go ahead with that treatment then? Is he going to make it IS THIS CONTAGEOUS??
  33. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Well he kind of, came with a bit of gold like that, buti'veb noticed ity more and more, and the other 2 came from different tanks, so its really unknown.(The biggest one has a teeny bit, but his is more 'yellowly' and natural looking.) I expected him to be dead by the time i got home, but hes...
  34. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    Today he's really bad....constantly gasping, and all fins are clamped, including the tail. I dont understand why he is so bad, i had an internal parasite infection awhile ago, and took everything out and sterilized, Qt the infected fish, ect, and THEN treated the main tank. I hope its not...
  35. S

    Anything look wrong here?

    sorry, this one too
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