Anything look wrong here?

Alright then. I'm going ahead with the meds, they say 1 tab for each 10gal, then wait 48 hours, do a water change, 2nd treatment.

Could i give him a salt bath? Exactly how much salt btw, lol
Just gave a salt bath....hes worse than ever! ..he cant swim properly, and just wiggles at the surface..... :-( :-(
I put the treatment in, I'm pretty sure hes not going to make it though...His gills are very inflamed, and one side looks like its swollen almost, i checked with a flashlight....How could it get this bad without me noticing? :-( :X ????
Red inflamed gills are a sign of gill flukes, if he's really gasping and heavy breathing your'e right he's not going to make it, as the parasites damages the gills.
Yes....sigh...oh dear, will i ever have fishy success?
I'm positive he came sick though, because he had that colouring from day 1. I try to pick healthy fish, but its hard in a tank of 300 guppies, lol.
I'll be watching him, and the others carefully, I guess no new dwarf gourami(or any fish) this week eh
Thanks for all help, i'll update on anything new.
Hey Squishiebabe, I know what you're going through. I had a male guppy with gill flukes about a month ago. He didn't make it either, but I treated the whole tank with Parasite Clear and no one else got it, except for 1 neon. Hopefully you'll have good luck. I do believe treating the whole tank made it go into a mini-cycle, but it's pretty much a safer bet than having the whole tank get gill flukes, I guess.
Anyway, good luck to you! Please let us know how it goes!
Its confirmed...another fish has it aswell, I'm pretty sure they all do, but I think the two will pull through, no signs other than the gold stuff.
Poor guy is shimmying so badly now, like seziures...I hope he gets better, hes swimming, but cant seem to stay down, like hes full of air, If he doesn't get better i think i may euthanise the poor baby...
And thanks fishwatcher, tell me how your new dwarf is!
lol.....I'm still hoping that i can get one...geez, I just can't win.
If you have no scaless fish add some salt to the tank, it's one teaspoon to the gal.
Just whats in my sigg, is in there.
And i have added salt almost everyday, since friday night.
can i add too much?
I looked at sig but sometimes members don't always update them, just wanted to make sure, salt ok for a while as long as you don't overdose, good luck.
Well, my luck isn't so good either. The day after I got home with my gourami, he got sick. I posted about it, and I think the consensus is that he has some kind of bacterial infection. I'm treating with melafix, pimafix and salt right now. I am supposed to be taking him into the store to trade him out, since it doesn't look like he's going to make it. When I told the guy at the shop, he just said, "yeah, they do that sometimes. Just bring him in and we'll swap him for you." I guess maybe they're used to it. I hate it though... he's such a cutie. I just hope the new one will be a little stronger. The other fish in my tank are fine (he's been in quarantine since I got him, thank God).
Lol, yes thank god. About how much was he, I've no idea the prices for these fish lol
Hope he pulls through, my gupp isnt doing well, here is what he is doing right now, other than getting blown by the filter current occasionally..sniff...(Vertically gasping at surface)....other guys are okay though, i added another tablespoon of salt


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