Lost a Guppy


New Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I had a male guppy that was acting lethargic earlier and staying on the bottom and now i can't find him and have assumed he is dead. Do i need to start with a frantic search to find this guy or can i just forget about him and hope i see him float up soon. my tank is 25 gallons
I would start a search for his body, on grounds that if he had a disease, it could be passed on to other fish when they pick at his body. Before completely tearing apart the tank, I'd look around the floor to see if he has jumped. Also, check in caves, I've had a few pass away in there before. Finally look in the plants, a few bad experiences there as well.

One other question is do you know WHY this fish died? Were there any spots on his body, any other signs of somethign that was obviously wrong? What are you water stats? ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, and temp? Those can be useful to in identifying what went wrong.
I have one particular hole in my rock structure where i suspect he is and if its in there chances are i will never see it again because this is a big cavity with a small opening. Also his body looked fine i think he had a problem in the transition; i moved him and 3 other from a 15g into this 25 and he wasn't acting like this before the move. He didn't look like he had any visable symptoms except maybe some kind of gill trama but i am not sure
Yeah, i find that some guppies just arent hardy, while i have 2 now that are never gonna croak...lol...I had one die yesterday, check the plants reeeealy well, thats where i found my poo guy :(

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