Anything look wrong here?


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
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ON, Canada
Lately i've noticed my one guppy acting a bit strange. His fins have been clamped, and he was shimming. I did a water change, and put salt in, still no better. the other 2 are perfectly normal, and this one might not be eating, he didnt grab as many flakes as usual today....heres a picture...anything look wrong? (other than the gasping, he had to be in a cup so i could take his picture)


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Does the guppy have any of the coloring around its back around the top fin? I had a guppys die quite some time ago(6months) of columnaris and it showed similar coloring at the start of the desease...
What are your recent water stats like ammonia, nitrates and nitrites and tank temp?
Today he's really bad....constantly gasping, and all fins are clamped, including the tail. I dont understand why he is so bad, i had an internal parasite infection awhile ago, and took everything out and sterilized, Qt the infected fish, ect, and THEN treated the main tank. I hope its not that. I've added salt, 2 water changes 1 yesterday, 1 this morning, and kept the lights off
I would go treat him for internal bacteria as i saw a similar case of this a while back and read that treating for internal bacteria will cure it, but thats just my diagnosis.
Need to no water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, sounds like a parasite to me, any flicking and rubbing, are gills red an inflamed, can you see anything on the fish, try a salt bath straight away.
can guppies get shimmies like mollies can?? just curious! ... just looks like what happend to my guppy a few months ago (i also had him in a 1G with a CAE and i knew nothing about fish, so i never did waterchanges) but yea needless to say, is his belly rounded? what are his current colors? what are his usual colors? etc...
Well he kind of, came with a bit of gold like that, buti'veb noticed ity more and more, and the other 2 came from different tanks, so its really unknown.(The biggest one has a teeny bit, but his is more 'yellowly' and natural looking.)
I expected him to be dead by the time i got home, but hes still hangin in. My other guppy seems a bit different too, but he always hides so its nothing unusual by a big shot. My last and biggest, seems to be doing fine. I know no water stats, as i have no test kits, but assuming i gravel vac-ed today, and have done 3 water changes since friday, and the other two seem unaffected, the water is okay. I am working tomorrow or the next day to make some cash for some kits, so please dont kill me!!...They are so bloody expensive!!

....Could anyone tell me, exactly how to give an effective salt bath?
And could i add too much salt, i added hAlf a tbs every day since friday, then 2 today, because he looks so terrible.
No flicking, of any of them, I'm not sure how pink the gills are suposed to be, if anyone could explain that. Shone a flashlight on all of them, nothing unusual.
I've also treated for internal parasites 2wice, and i dont want to unless i'm sure its something, because i think thev meds might be hard on them.
It says it treats
-Gill mites / Flukes
-Internal Worms
-External Parasites
-Body Flukes
-Ragged Tailfins

Will this help? :(
Wilder, the link didnt work.... :(
Should i go ahead with that treatment then? Is he going to make it
VELVET (Oodinium limneticum)

Only had this once and didn't have a good enough digi cam at the time, so I have no pics. If you have a pic please email me!

The parasite that covers the body of the fish is very small giving it a velvet, gold-dusted appearance. The aquarium should be treated. If your fish is "flicking" itself and thrashing around, losing color, clamping fins, sitting in a corner:
Get a flashlight and look very closely all over the little guys body. This stuff is very hard to see. It's nearly 10X's smaller than ich. Look at the fish from every angle. If it's velvet, you'll know. He'll look like he's been rolled in gold dust.
Treatments are the same products listed for ick.

Not the writer of this artilce.

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