Albino BN and Ram


Moved On
Jan 17, 2005
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Bought these two today...

Female Butterfly Ram thingy.. I bought her to pair up with my lonely male :D


And a tiny Albino BN pleco... SO cute :wub:

great pics jessica, i cant get a clear one of my BN and he hardly moves. I would like a pair of rams for my 50 gallon but dont know if i can or not.
Like the little coloured spots on the ram, its pretty.
As for Pleco...err...I'm afriad of them lol, its a long story....
Great pic of the ram, im looking for a female for my german blue too.
looking good jess, that Ram will colour up really nice once she has settled in.

Interesting looking at that plec, the 2 i had from the same batch have black eyes, yet yours has albino eyes. Maybe they were gold bristlenoses, but yours is an albino gold bristlenose! lol.


btw. your cockatoo got lots of attention lol!
Oooh, only just found replies when i was looking for this thread :lol:

Im scared of my BN plec, he's got really long spiky things and he has a habit of trying to climb on my hand when i put his cucumber in - That is scary... :blink:

Ben - I didn't think you could get albino gold BNs :lol: And Magic loves the attention doesn't he?! :D I usually take him out with me if im going somewhere he's allowed. We usually stop off at Ponderosa (parrot shop at Dundry!) as he loves going in there! :D He does like looking at the little fishies though.. :wub:

Oooh, and bad news... I lost the Butterfly plec as well! :sad: I dont know what happened, he was eating well on pellets and cucumber but he seemed to be getting thinner.. Then he died :unsure: Tested the water and it's all perfect and all my other fish are fine, its strange! But, i've run out of money, space and time so im having to let my FW tank run down then i will divide it up for my bettas and concentrate on breeding them and my marine tank! :D
Maybe there is just too much in the tank to accept a plec aswell, remember plecs can be very sensitive, and they require good filtration! It seems odd that 2 have died, that have both been fine in our tanks for a good couple of months.

Maybe too much iron or phosphate in your water?

I dont have that much in the tank.. And the guy tested the water, the only thing he commented on was that, although the PH was fine, it was different to what they have there. And that there was lots of CO2, but obviously not dangerous levels -_- He said the water was pretty much perfect which is why i bought the plec.. I dont understand it :sad:

Its just off that all of my fish, including a plec, have been and still are fine in my tank :/
very odd...

Well, don't give up on tropicals, theres still so much to have, don't get into debt because of a marine MTS ;)

I will probably go back to tropicals when i have my own house. Things are a bit weird here at the moment so its a bit difficult to keep a marine, tropical and 5 betta (plus fry) tanks going! For the moment im going to concentrate on my bettas and marines :) Its definately not Marine MTS! I cant afford another marine tank :lol:

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