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  1. S

    New female ram

    Do you have any Melafix as well? I know that it doesnt cure the finrot, but definately helps, and I saw a lot of improvement in my fish from it. Maybe some salt too if you can...Hope all goes well
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    Is my platy dying?

    Lol, prolly all those good water changes, I find they actually help a lot! I just had a little victory myself, my cory fully recovered! You should post some pictures once everythings all settled, that would be great.
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    Is my platy dying?

    Yep, thats all you can do now, I cycled with fish as well, Its tough on you sometimes, good luck with her.
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    Corie got mouth stuck to filter

    Lol, thanks...After the waterchange, and a bit of stirring up the gravel, everyone, including him, has livened up. Guess they needed it, lol. I can hardly tell he is ill now, only really by his slightly red mouth, but its getting better. I added melafix, I think he will be alright, tomorrow will...
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    Corie got mouth stuck to filter

    I cant seperate, but I did add Melafix, my lights are hardly ever on anyway, and I'm trying to keep the temp steady as possible. I just say he was trying to get some food or something, because only his mouth was stuck, the rest of the body wasnt. He also can swim away fine now, but thanks, I...
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    Is my platy dying?

    Your nitrite seems really high....I know nothing of this really, except do a water change asap!! I know it should be zero. Do a 25-30% water change, and watch the fish carefully....Don't overfeed, or feed at all for a day or two maybe, it won't hurt the fish. This could be the problem right...
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    Is my platy dying?, most Livebearers like salt in their water, although its not needed. You said she wasnt eating, but is she bloated? Would that make you think she ate too much lol..I would do a small water change, can I ask how many gallons is the tank, whose in there with her, and do you have any...
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    Is my platy dying?

    Okay, heres a few links...
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    Is my platy dying?

    Well, I say just keep the lights off, and minimize stress as much as possible. If you have a quarantine tank she can fit in, I think it might be a good idea. I'l get you a few links about internal parsites, Ive had them twice, and if caught early, and the infected fish are removed, and the...
  10. S

    Is my platy dying?

    Well, it could be stressed from the move, but stringy poo indicates internal parasites I would think. Not eating is also a very bad sign, my Platy never stops! I would either 1. Take her back to the petstore, and explain you want a new one, then possibly medicate the tank for internal parasites...
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    Corie got mouth stuck to filter

    Last night I turned on my tank light, to see one of my cories stuck to it, but only its mouth was really. It was struggling to get free, and I panicked, shut off the filter, and it fell to the bottom. I continued to watch him carefully, and he seemed shaken, but okay. His poor little mouth is...
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    Bubble Eye Goldfish

    I think Platys are an exception, because for years my friends' have had a few in their very poorly maintained Goldfish tank. The house temp was always pretty constant all year-round, so I think thats why they were okay, but Platies are tough fish, I haven't even killed one! (Sorry I had to say that)
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    What the heck is going on here?!?!?

    It doesnt sound so...I'm still struggling will finrot on my betta, It just will not go away!! I find that it almost heals, then I wake up the next morning and he looks like there was another Betta in there, and he lost. It also seems to get worse AFTER a water change, I dunno why! Hope you...
  14. S

    Old age???? I hope so......

    Lol, yeah sorry if I sounded so harsh, I can do that. Yes, the substrate holds alot of bacteria as well, I forgot that. Good job for washing in tank water! Lol, hope I really didnt make you feel stupid or anything, I'm the goof now doh... As for a quarintine tank, I seriously suggest getting...
  15. S

    Old age???? I hope so......

    Whoa....You should not clean your filter media in tap water. It kills off all the good bacteria needed to process and keep your aquarium healthy and safe for the fishies. Old tank water, such as whats in your bucket after a water change is what you should use, and only gently clean it, its...
  16. S

    Weird red bump/Bloody feces

    Yes but this was a new fish...Not to confuse, but the Platy was the only one who survived after, the barbs and cories are after I tore tank down the first time, and I made sure the Platy had no symptoms of the parasites, so it was from the fish store. The barb probably came with them. I dont...
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    Weird red bump/Bloody feces

    Not again! Ahh...Well it looked different then my Guppy that had it, I actually saw the worms, and he was bloated, this fish just had a swollen red anus, Do I have to tear the tank down again? or just treat with my parasite tabs again? I know that they seemed to work last time, but I'm scared...
  18. S

    Weird red bump/Bloody feces

    I found her dead today. Does anyone know what it could be..All other fish are looking healthy and happy. Her feces were like, bloody and I think that was what I thought was a bump. I noticed a bit of a balance problem the day before she died, although she was swimming around last night okay. I...
  19. S

    Will my Cories go hungry?

    Alright, well any suggestions anyone? Earliest I can get to the lfs is Monday, and thats if I dont go to a dawn-till-dusk drive in thing. Whats best? I'm sure these guys won't be picky either, they mostly scavenge now (I guess thats what they're suposed to do lol) Would giving them a cucumber...
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    Will my Cories go hungry?

    I was wondering if my 3 Peppered Cories would not be getting enough to eat, just from the food that falls to the bottom. I've had them about a week, and right now I can't get any special supplements for them, but I notice at feeding time they're right at the surface with the others, although...
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    Weird red bump/Bloody feces

    Yep, I'll do a waterchange tomorrow, hopefully things are alright.
  22. S

    All community ideas welcome

    It is hard to give ideas, because everyonehas their faveourites and dislikes. I say a definately on a school of Cories, because I hated them at first, but they really are worth it, I'd keep them even if they didnt clean the bottom , now lol. You said you liked Gouramis? I say go for a pair of...
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    Weird red bump/Bloody feces

    Well shes eating a bit, but seems a little stressed, so does the other female though. The bump is gone, I cant see it at all anymore, is there still cause to worry?
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    Weird red bump/Bloody feces

    Well, it seems to have dissapated, but shes not eating much at all, but swimming around with the cories...Could she be pregnant? The male is being aggressive with the other female too, but this has only started around a week or so ago. The redness(or pinkness lets say) is still visible, the bump...
  25. S

    Whats In Your Aquaclear?

    I have regular sponge stuff, and a carbon sack in mine, I like Aquaclear, my water is never dirty or cloudy(due to problems with filter, not my laziness lol) and it always provides good aeration. I've never had a problem. I run an Aquaclear 200 (i know, too big) and I'm happy it will still work...
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    Weird red bump/Bloody feces

    Well yesterday i was watching my cherry barb, and I noticed all of them are more aggressive, the male chasing the two females, and one female chasing the other. Then I noticed on my one female getting chased, that she had a red bump right on her anus, its like a pink sore that stuck out a bit...
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    Having a tough time

    Yes, pinholes in the fins are a sign of finrot. Thats how mine started, and now my little guy is so bad, his tail is still rotting, and his bottom fins' started too....I've been giving salt baths, daily 50% water changes, and feeding minimal to keep the water quality high, but for some, nothing...
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    Planted tank - keeping it simple

    Everything is so vividly coloured and fresh/clean looking, I absolutely wish I could accomplish that. Well done.
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    A Betta, some Cherry Barbs, and a Blurry Cory

    Lol, thanks...see the white plant in my 10gal? well I took it apart as its never stood straight, always crooked and its just plain ugly lol, so I;m making a few new plants for the Betta as he mght want to hide from my prying eyes once in awhile. He really loves that corny turtle thing, and...
  30. S

    Before and After Pics

    HOLY CRAP thats alot of :rofl: And your tank looks great, but the pics were a bit any of your fish's mugshots? lol. I like the afer better, although before wasn't so bad really either.
  31. S

    A Betta, some Cherry Barbs, and a Blurry Cory

    Yep, tank isn't lookin so good lol, but I plan on sand and less fake plants for my we go... Betta 5 gal Main 10gal A little while ago Ps. Will my substrate hurt my cories? They were in a tank with far worse, but I'll make extra effort to get my new tank and sand if they will...
  32. S

    A Betta, some Cherry Barbs, and a Blurry Cory

    In this one you can really see his tail/finrot...It just won't seem to go away :-( Barbs in reflection lol My crankypants himself Barbs :* Goofy Platy Oops, and the only cory I could get a picture of
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    Slate tiles - What can I make from them ?

    I was going to but the slate tiles from Home Depot, but I didnt think they were safe!! it was 1.29 per square foot! Darn. I'm sure I'll be going back now though, I think I can add on to my cave, it cost me $13 for my rock from Lfs, and then silicon was $7something! Heres my cave...
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    Why a Betta?

    Just today my Betta "scowled" at me for ruining his bubblenest because he had to have a water change.(He has finrot at the moment :( ) I didnt want to, but how do you explain to a Betta? lol I'll give him a pea to make up for it... :P They do have personaility. You have to take one home, and...
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    Some flower pics I took today

    It's like something from a photographer, like calendar pictures. Beautiful. Garden newbs it seems :rofl: :wub:
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    Fish vs Filter

    If they aren't fry, the might have been sick and too weak to swim away....thats why mine got stuck to the filter anyway, hope no more fishies die:rip: good luck
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    What to pick to finish 10gal?

    I just feel like they might be unhappy, because I dont think I could get a big enough group for them to be happy in this current tank, but when i get to the lfs is really the chooser...If they have cute, healthy cories, and sickly dwarf gouramis, I might try a trio of them. I just thought dwarf...
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    Maybe could you float the bottles like the new fish in bags to match temp? A huge drop, or if you pour it directly onto the fish by accident, or too fast, could cause problems. If its too cold, maybe run it under the tap until it warms up, or if its too warm, maybe run under cool water? I think...
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    Cleaning out the garage...

    Yep. I had to do that to my tank, due to internal parasite infection. I used salt and a tiny bit of bleach. Lety the tank sit with water in it for a bit, then rinse out, fill it up, let sit, rinse again....rinse it well..cant say that enough...DO NOT use dish soap, or any soap/sponge with soap...
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    The life of a 20 gallon.

    Its made a lot of changes lol. I like when it was really filled out, with the guppies too (I found the baby!) The sand looks good. Just shows how different a tank can look, with more/less plants, even fake ones, different substrate ect! That looks great for fake plants. This will inspire people...