Fish Crazy
I was wondering if my 3 Peppered Cories would not be getting enough to eat, just from the food that falls to the bottom. I've had them about a week, and right now I can't get any special supplements for them, but I notice at feeding time they're right at the surface with the others, although I've never seen them actually take a flake lol. I know they gulp air to aid in digestion, but they do it at feeding time more-so then when in the mid-day lets say. I really don't want to lose these guys as I've just healed ones finrot, and they all are doing alot better than when I got them (Walmart, I just had to lol) very active, and have livened up the whole tank since.
I've read and it doesnt mention its essential for catfish pellets/sinking food ect, but I'd hate to see a fish starve because I didnt know
I've read and it doesnt mention its essential for catfish pellets/sinking food ect, but I'd hate to see a fish starve because I didnt know