Weird red bump/Bloody feces


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
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ON, Canada
Well yesterday i was watching my cherry barb, and I noticed all of them are more aggressive, the male chasing the two females, and one female chasing the other. Then I noticed on my one female getting chased, that she had a red bump right on her anus, its like a pink sore that stuck out a bit. Is this from the others nipping her? I'm not sure but I think I saw a grey spot on her tummy, it could have just been shadows. Help, I dont know what to do, I'm still dealing with bad finrot with my Betta, I dont want her sick too!
Shes eating a bit, and swims around, but stays with the cories or on her own because the two other barbs are being mean I guess. This is just lately they've started this. I've tried to add as much plants as i can for cover.
Also can you issolate the fish.
Lumps and bumps that suddenly appear are usually infections. If due to bacteria, it usually resolves by rupture (like a boil) pretty quickly...
Well, it seems to have dissapated, but shes not eating much at all, but swimming around with the cories...Could she be pregnant? The male is being aggressive with the other female too, but this has only started around a week or so ago. The redness(or pinkness lets say) is still visible, the bump much smaller almost gone.. I havent seen her go to the bathroom.
I wouldn't think it was pregnant with eggs, all i can give you i'm afraid is a link, if she not eating much not a good sign try her on some shelled peas and daphnia,, the bump could be bacterial.
Well shes eating a bit, but seems a little stressed, so does the other female though. The bump is gone, I cant see it at all anymore, is there still cause to worry?
If it's gone that's a good sign it's healed on it's own, just do some daily water changes in your tank, to dilute the nasties.
I found her dead today. Does anyone know what it could be..All other fish are looking healthy and happy.
Her feces were like, bloody and I think that was what I thought was a bump. I noticed a bit of a balance problem the day before she died, although she was swimming around last night okay. I hope my other fish don't have this, as soon as I find out what it was I am going to get another 1 or 2 females so my other one doesnt get too bullied. Please help, I'll post some pictures
Well only thing i can think of if the feces were red is worms.
Not he writer of this information



When the fish is stationary, deep red worms can be seen protruding from the anal pore. They are only visible when the fish is still because the worms retreat into the intestine at the fish’s slightest movement. Other signs may include an inflamed and enlarged anus. In severe infestations, the fish may become emaciated and spinal curvature may also occur.


The parasitic worms Camallanus Cotti and Camallanus lacustris. These small, livebearing parasitic worms attach to the intestinal walls and rectum with pinchers. The worm’s grip is so tight that any attempts to remove it forcibly will rip away tissue from the intestinal wall. The worm’s pinching causes ischemia (reduced blood flow) to that part of the intestine. In time, the tissue to that part of the intestine will die, at which time the worm will migrate to another part of the intestine. This causes perforations throughout the intestine, which allows other pathogens to gain entry. If the fish is not treated, either the parasite or bacterial will kill the fish. Camallanus infestations occur most often in livebearing fish such as Guppies and Mollies, though infection is possible in all fish. Camallanus infestations are contagious. All fish, including those not yet showing visible symptoms, as well as the aquarium, should be treated.


Treat with Internal Parasite Guard, Pipzine, Disco-Worm, Trichlorfon or Fluke-Tabs as well as a medicated food to prevent a bacterial infection.
Not again! Ahh...Well it looked different then my Guppy that had it, I actually saw the worms, and he was bloated, this fish just had a swollen red anus,

Do I have to tear the tank down again? or just treat with my parasite tabs again? I know that they seemed to work last time, but I'm scared it might hurt my cories as well..
Classic sign of internal parsites red inflamed anus, they can come back again even after using meds, best thing is to treat the tank then in a week strip it down, best to issolate the suspected fish with them as them are just passing them on all the time.
sounds like it could have been a prolapse of some kind where the anus protrudes through the vent.
Yes but this was a new fish...Not to confuse, but the Platy was the only one who survived after, the barbs and cories are after I tore tank down the first time, and I made sure the Platy had no symptoms of the parasites, so it was from the fish store. The barb probably came with them. I dont know how you tell if cories have them. I'll treat with a tab, but I dont think I'll tear it down, because I'd rather just wait until theres another case or something, as I'm not positive it was the worms again, and the fish will die from the stress I think. I might get med food too, since that would get right to the source. I'll keep an eye out, thanks for the help

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