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  1. C

    Algae Identify

    OK, thanks So how do I cut down on it, what eats it?
  2. C

    Algae Identify

    This is slowly going since getting my refuge up and running with a dsb and calurpa, plus a large water change
  3. C

    Tank Crack!

    Get them to drill the tank too, save you doing it
  4. C

    Algae Identify

    What type of algae is this and how do I get rid of it The dusty greeny/grey stuff on the coraline Tank lights on for about 8-10 hours a day, since this problem has started I've started using rowaphos even though my test kit was showing phosphate levels of 0 Cheers Cathal
  5. C


    Yes its a small little barrel with 2 connections on the top About the size of a C battery I think, clips in just where the bracket is that holds it to the tank, will take a picture when I get home today. Can you fiqure out where its actually leaking from? If you bought it local bring it back and...
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    I use the exact same skimmer and mine leaks too, I've mine in the sump so it doesnt really matter. Mines dead silent though, have you the silencer on it?
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    I'd say a Deltec HOB Dont bother with a redsea one, not worth diddly squat
  8. C


    is it the skimmer or the pump making the noise? I've mine placed in the sump and its quiet (V2 600)
  9. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    well the tanks not looking to shabby now Sorry about the bad pictures
  10. C

    Seahorse Tank Size

    Thanks Have a spare tank here but think its only a 10-15 gallon Might try get an orb tank or pentagon
  11. C

    Seahorse Tank Size

    Whats the smalles tank you should keep a pair of Hippocampus Kuda in
  12. C

    Hundreds Of Tiny Alive Brown Dots With Red On Them

    Might pick up a wrasses tomorrow Problem seems to be sorting its self out, almost all them are gone, still a few on the rock, none visable on the glass or sand anymore. done a 20litre water change everyday for the last 3days and repositioned my nano streams
  13. C

    Hundreds Of Tiny Alive Brown Dots With Red On Them

    This looks like em, any idea of how to rid them? Just read up on them, and see increasing flowrate in the tank should help rid them pests
  14. C

    Hundreds Of Tiny Alive Brown Dots With Red On Them

    Went away on holidays for 2 weeks and since I've come back I have hundreds of tiny<pin head size> brown dots with red on them that move around the glass and sand, Can anyone tell me what they are and how to get rid of them? Thanking you in advance C
  15. C

    Design For Sump - Advice Needed

    Well we'll find out in a few days as I've sent the old baffles in to be cut and emptied the sump. The 1st chamber is going to have my V2 800 The 2nd a DSB 4inches with macro Algaes The 3rd will be my return chamber If I can manage to get hold of a drill bit by friday it will be drilled, If not...
  16. C

    Design For Sump - Advice Needed

    Would a setup like this work for me? I did not draw this but it is roughly the dimensions of my tank Id have to reduce th size of the refug slightly to fit the V2 800 in the 1st chamber on the left Also where abouts would you drill the final chamber for the return pump
  17. C

    Design For Sump - Advice Needed

    Only about 1cm id say
  18. C

    Design For Sump - Advice Needed

    Ive no auto topup yet
  19. C

    Design For Sump - Advice Needed

    from top of sump to bottom of display about 6inches max or 15cm
  20. C

    Design For Sump - Advice Needed

    Right folks this sump design doesnt work The return chamber runs dry after about 3 days, I'm loosing about 5-7.5litres per day I think Ive just bought a V2 800 skimmer which I'm gonna hang on while I re design the sump, then I can hang off the sump or internal I'm asking for a hand doing so the...
  21. C

    How Many Stages Is Your Ro Unit?

    go t a 3 stage
  22. C

    Dropped Carbon Into The Tank By Mistake

    Hey all I dropped a handfull of carbon into the tank today by mistake I spent the guts of 2 hours trying to fish it all out but theres still a good bit left that went behind the live rock and under the sandbed. How will I get it out or will it eventually just float to the top? And will it do the...
  23. C

    Skimmer Revelation?

    Whats the mesh mod? :drool:
  24. C

    Beware Of Superskimmer?

    Have you a picture of the skimmer?
  25. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    Good stuff googling them now Nitrate is at zero :good:
  26. C

    Aquaclear 50 Powerhead

    Tunze 6025's are quite cheap and twice as powerfull In ireland there €69
  27. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    Cant see any in white but there are loads of red ones and there hard/solid there were none when the rock went in last wednesday
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    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    Is that a good sign
  29. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    duplicate post :shout:
  30. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    Like if I touch it? will I? I've seen this in my nano tank B4 I think its hard, it looks spikey and theres loads of it under every piece of LR not on the base rock though
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    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    Right the whole underside of every rock is covered in this red spikey stuff Is this Good or bad stuff?
  32. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    Gonna go to my parents house and get a bit of live rock out of the nano<3kilos or so> and pop it in and see what happens You can't see it in the pics but today there is a good bit of red spots on the underside of the rock, the colour quality of that camera is poor, will take a piece out later...
  33. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    Its deffo live rock Just how live it is is questionable though The bit in the top right is from my nano tank so I know thats good and theres a few pieces of ocean/base rock in there too <bottom left 2 pieces and bottom towards the right Te MH's have been on for 12hours per day since last...
  34. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    Will get better pic up in awhile, was re arranging the rock and made the water a little misty
  35. C

    Tmc V2 600 Or 800

    Righ gonna have to get this so, it can be used external, can it?
  36. C

    Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life

    I got 35kilos of LR from a friend of a friend for cheap He has a vat full of the stuff but its been out of his tank<moved house> now for over 6months, its regularly topped up with RO and has had powerheads on it for the duration its been in the vat, I added it to my new/empty tank last wednesday...
  37. C

    Locating A Good Lfs

    I know this is a very old thread but Dublin Recommendations Northside Swords petstore / Coolock Pet store <Same owner> Petstop Blanch Southside FishAntics<Marine only> FishFX
  38. C

    Tmc V2 600 Or 800

    I have a red sea berlin skimmer at the moment, But its slightly too high to go into my cabinet, its a paint to get the cup off, the TMC looks slightly smaller I've a few modifications done to my red sea and it seems to work pretty good at the moment actually