Old - Live Rock - Bring Back To Life


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2006
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I got 35kilos of LR from a friend of a friend for cheap
He has a vat full of the stuff but its been out of his tank<moved house> now for over 6months, its regularly topped up with RO and has had powerheads on it for the duration its been in the vat, I added it to my new/empty tank last wednesday and am just wondering how long I should leave the lights on per day to try get some life back into it?
The guy I got it from said for the 1st week leave it on 12hours a day and it will go green after and give it just over 2 weeks and it will have coraline back all over it, he seemed to think it still had a good bit of life left in it
Is this correct?

Some details of the tank below
The is still slight coraline on the rock BTW
500l tank, 120l sump
I have 2 x 150w MHs and 1 x blue moon
2 x Tunze powerheads, 2 x aqua clear
I've a 1inch bed of red sea aragonite just added yesterday<probably shouldnt have added this so soon>
prism skimmer on it at the moment as im having a few problems with the sump and the height of my skimmer, have to make a few mods to the skimmer or source a smaller one that can sit it 15" of water
Well, its really impossible for us to tell how much life is left without pics ;). I'd just go with a standard 10h light cycle set to whenever's convenient for you. And coraline growth can take a lot longer than 2 weeks if conditions are less than optimal. Coraline likes high light, and high alkalinity/calcium
Well, its really impossible for us to tell how much life is left without pics ;). I'd just go with a standard 10h light cycle set to whenever's convenient for you. And coraline growth can take a lot longer than 2 weeks if conditions are less than optimal. Coraline likes high light, and high alkalinity/calcium
Will get better pic up in awhile, was re arranging the rock and made the water a little misty
i dunno man, the pictures are dark, but that looks more like base rock than live rock to me...but in that last pic i see a few specks that look promising...
Its deffo live rock
Just how live it is is questionable though

The bit in the top right is from my nano tank so I know thats good
and theres a few pieces of ocean/base rock in there too <bottom left 2 pieces and bottom towards the right

Te MH's have been on for 12hours per day since last wednesday and the bluemoon on whenever there off
Gonna leave the light off completely now for the night
Good thing is there is no smell out of it

If there wasnt 2 fish and a shrimp in my nano tank I'd move all the rock out of it in as theres load of worms in it
I'll have to get a water nitrate test kit tomorrow

Cheers for all the replies guys
Gotta be honest, if there's anything left alive on that rock its probably just some bacteria. Looks pretty devoid of calcerous aglaes, tunicates, macroalgaes, etc. Might want to buy a nice new piece of LR from your LFS to get those things back
Gotta be honest, if there's anything left alive on that rock its probably just some bacteria. Looks pretty devoid of calcerous aglaes, tunicates, macroalgaes, etc. Might want to buy a nice new piece of LR from your LFS to get those things back

Gonna go to my parents house and get a bit of live rock out of the nano<3kilos or so> and pop it in and see what happens
You can't see it in the pics but today there is a good bit of red spots on the underside of the rock, the colour quality of that camera is poor, will take a piece out later and take a pic with my olympus digi.
I'll give it another week before I complain anyway
the guy I got if from says he used some stuff to feed the rock once per week/2weeks
Gotta be honest, if there's anything left alive on that rock its probably just some bacteria. Looks pretty devoid of calcerous aglaes, tunicates, macroalgaes, etc. Might want to buy a nice new piece of LR from your LFS to get those things back

Gonna go to my parents house and get a bit of live rock out of the nano<3kilos or so> and pop it in and see what happens
You can't see it in the pics but today there is a good bit of red spots on the underside of the rock, the colour quality of that camera is poor, will take a piece out later and take a pic with my olympus digi.
I'll give it another week before I complain anyway
the guy I got if from says he used some stuff to feed the rock once per week/2weeks

Right the whole underside of every rock is covered in this red spikey stuff

Is this Good or bad stuff?



does the redstuff move?
Like if I touch it? will I? I've seen this in my nano tank B4
I think its hard, it looks spikey and theres loads of it under every piece of LR not on the base rock though
Look like froams, or is it frograms, can never remember there bloody name.

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