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  1. C

    The Best £12 I Have Spent So Far...

    Ghost shrimp never seem to live long. Ive had my amano shrimp for 2 years or something now, he's great. He swims around the top during feeding time (freaks the fish out) and grabs big flakes and quickly retreats to eat his catch in peace. He gets excited quite often, running back and forth the...
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    good thing i read this, im in the habit of leaving it on. learned my lesson of the day!
  3. C

    Strange Fungus..

    Ive had my platies for a few months now. About a month after I bought them I noticed one had a small little white speck on her tail. I assumed it was itch and treated accordingly. The ich meds didn't work so I put her back in. It's now 2 months later and it's re-appeared, this time much larger...
  4. C

    Is My Air Pump On All The Time A Bad Thing

    Some say they're useless. To be honest, Ive noticed that when my pump is on the fish in the tank appear less stressed. Without it they breathe heavy (fast gill movement) from time to time.
  5. C

    Fish Waking Up Dead..

    Isn't that the truth! I'm treating a nasty fungus right now because of that..
  6. C

    Reasons For Not Contributing?

    Personally I used to read for personal interest, but with no account. Once I had an account i started answering though.
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    New Betta

    Yeah I considered, they take really good care of the other fish they've got (which is why i go there+ but the bettas aren't treated as well. I doubt much woulda been done. I guess I can just hope he livens up.
  8. C

    Fish Waking Up Dead..

    are you buying them all from the same place? could it be the fish store, and not you? i hate testing too so i can relate, but you may have to... sounds fishy, no pun intended. perhaps they're already sick when you're buying them? could the pleco be doing anything? very odd indeed.
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    New Betta

    he finally seems to have toned it down. i think they will get along after all. im worried though, he's sulking and is sitting in a decoration not moving. perhaps he'll perk up soon. i WAS going to buy an extremely calm one, but this little guy has a funny story behind him. the woman at the lfs...
  10. C

    New Betta

    I just put a betta (male) in with a community tank I have. He's currently nipping and flaring at my platies and cories.. will this die down? Ive never seen one act so agressive towards either of these kinds of fish. Is it just the stress coming out, or dominance? I want to keep him but I dont...
  11. C

    How Overstocked Am I?

    Thanks for the quick replies. Good to see the majority here think it should be okay. The adf is an older fellow and is definately not an ACF. Yes, as mentioned- I cannot afford to have platy fry. This is why i've got all females! :good: I'll be sure to keep up with the cleaning.
  12. C

    How Overstocked Am I?

    Alrite. My tank, for starters is doing great. The fish seem happy too. Im just wondering if im technically overstocked. The water is good and everything else seems to be in check. Water changes weekly. That being said, I know it's cramped. I have: -4 Platies -3 Cories -1 ADF/1 shrimp So what...
  13. C

    Apartments And Fish Tanks?

    I live in an apartment and nobody really cares. Your tanks are small so i'd doubt it even matters. Go with your gut instinct though. If you feel you should ask, do it. If not, then just set up the tanks. Does the lease mention pets at all? I know that's different though.
  14. C

    Got Me Some Corys

    I have 3 albino corys and they're really, really active. Always swimming. It all depends on the environment and their temperment. Some say groups of 5, some say 3. But obviously the more the merrier (I can only hold 3 in my tank, so.. :) ) Up and down the glass, up and down the glass... they...
  15. C

    Hardy Fish

    ive read on here that danios sometimes like to nip at fins, which would cause issues if you buy the pretty fancytail guppies. i'd just get the fish listed, minus the danios. mollies are brackish, yes, but ive seen many do well in fresh water.. maybe that's just me though.
  16. C

    2 Missing Neons

    is it possible they're stuck in a decoration?
  17. C

    Hardy Fish

    Also- any platies ive had weren't able to survive in a tank that was cycling, or not completely cycled. (most fish wont, but some like danios and bettas are more resistant)
  18. C


    I'd go with the info above. My 5-9 fish was a guess. I wouldn't push more than 6 adult sized platy or guppy into the 10 g now that I think about it. Forgot to mention. A 20 G tank would be more fun. :D
  19. C

    Hardy Fish

    hi there. platies are pretty hardy, yes. they are my favorite to keep and easy to breed if you're ever into that. from my experience cory catfish can be very sensitive to changes, they get stressed easily.. that being said, they don't seem to get sick often (ever, really) and seem to live...
  20. C


    the general rule you'll hear is one inch of fish per gallon. my ten gallon tank has 3 platies, 3 small cory catfish and an aquatic frog. I suppose with a lot of work you could have some more, but I probably wouldn't want to add any more. Remember to make sure you have 2 females per each male...
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    Missing Fish

    kind of related.. a large ghost shrimp of mine is MIA, about 2 weeks now. makes no sense.
  22. C

    8 Gallon Aquarium

    Out of curiousity, where did the group of 5 thing come from? Ive always kept mine in groups of three and they get along great.
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    Logs In A Tank?

    Is normal wood ok to put into a tank? Ive never seen it done, so perhaps it wouldn't work-does it rot? I was thinking that a nice old log would look nice in my tank. The drift wood i have makes my water look like tea from the tannins so i gotta think of something new. If it's ok to insert old...
  24. C

    Please Help!

    EDIT: nevermind all. he passed away a few minutes ago. Hi. Just got home and noticed my male betta was swimming with his mouth rightside up.. his body was straight up, 90 degrees. When he tries to swim, he either goes upsidedown or on his side. His head seems lighter than the rest of his body...
  25. C

    Can Fish Be In Love?

    i dont think anyone can really answer this, but i dont see why not. it's like any other emotion, they're attached to each other for some reason or another. :)
  26. C


    they are both very easy to breed. id go with platies. general rule i like to go buy is 1 male per 3 females but i think you'll be ok with 3/6. you dont need many because once you start getting young ones you'll have a ton. if you want you could even try and breed both in that tank, but make...
  27. C

    Pregnant Or..?

    thanks for the link. my platy's spots dont look like that, they look like a buncyh of black pinheads inside her near the anal fin thing. but she doesnt seem sick so im gonna guess its pregnancy.. as one has alreayd given birth and when i bought them they were in an overstocked tank full of...
  28. C

    Pregnant Or..?

    I have 3 female platies, they've been in my tank for close to 2 months now (no males). One of them gave birth the first day I bought them. Lately another has become very fat and poops a lot. I can see black spots in her tummy by her tail region, which fromw hat ive read indicates she is bearing...
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    What Do You Do With Your Dead Fish?

    bury my bettas, usually flush the others.
  30. C

    What's The Best Way To Keep Sand Clean (read!)

    my 3 cories work on that one
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    Freshwater ---> Dead Coral?

    thanks for the advice. i'll just buy fake corals from my petsmart.
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    Freshwater ---> Dead Coral?

    Ive found a few distributors online selling coral that is long dead, and has been dyed. Some say that dead coral is OK in freshwater tanks, and that it will only raise your PH to a high level. Has anyone ever tried this? It would be kinda cool if I could make a little reef type thing in my 10G...
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    never heard of that, what was it like size wise?
  34. C

    Overdose Possible?

    alright thanks. they're both still playing in the air bubbles so i think everything's well :lol:
  35. C

    Overdose Possible?

    Sorry, silly question but im making sure. I have my 2 platys with ich in the hospital tank as stated in another thread. The medication im using states that I should add 3 drops. I accidently added 4. Will this harm them physically? It's a very small tank, but I cant see how 1 extra drop is that...
  36. C

    Praying Its Not Ick..

    tyvm for that piece on the cories. the medicine is.. *grabs bottle* costapur. looks to me like it's from the EU, as instructions are in many diff languages. "The well-established remedy against Ichthyophthirius (white spot) and other skin parasites, such as Costia, Chilodonella and Trichodina...
  37. C

    Praying Its Not Ick..

    i was told at the store that this specific medication cannot be used at all with my cories. this poses an issue, because while 1 frog and 2 shrimp will fit into a 2g, 3 cories will not have enough room either, from what I know.. back to where i started, trying to treat those who show signs...
  38. C

    Praying Its Not Ick..

    Moving the shrimp and frogs is my next option, good idea. No need to buy new meds. I'll update once my 3 days are done (this med is supposed to be really good.) Unfortunately I cant raise the other temp in the small hospital tank, because it has no heater (terrible, i know!) the temp is steady...
  39. C

    Praying Its Not Ick..

    my lfs didnt have any, and i had to treat because my other fish had already been sick with it for 2 days (ive been sick myself, so someone picked up the stuff today). I spent 10 bucks on this new stuff, no real desire to spend even more. ill see how the hospital tank works- worse comes to worse...
  40. C

    Praying Its Not Ick..

    the problem is about 50% of the things in my tank cant be exposed to the meds. ill remove this girl and put her in with her tankmate. hope they get along in a small area.