Pregnant Or..?


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I have 3 female platies, they've been in my tank for close to 2 months now (no males). One of them gave birth the first day I bought them.

Lately another has become very fat and poops a lot. I can see black spots in her tummy by her tail region, which fromw hat ive read indicates she is bearing young. Is this true?

The reason I ask is because the other female, the third one is a "runt". She is much smaller than the others and doesnt show any of these signs but has these black spots.

Are they both pregnant? Maybe I dont notice it on the small one (the bloating?)
A female platy can hold sperm for up to 7 birthings, which means she can give birth up to 7 times without the assistance of a male. If the have tiny black dots behind their bellys (gravid spots) amd seem to be getting fatter (bloated looking) then more then likely they are pregnant. Have fun with the babies!
A female platy can hold sperm for up to 7 birthings, which means she can give birth up to 7 times without the assistance of a male. If the have tiny black dots behind their bellys (gravid spots) amd seem to be getting fatter (bloated looking) then more then likely they are pregnant. Have fun with the babies!

thats very true. i wouldn't have believed 3 months ago they could produce after such a long period. i knew they could store sperm for a period but thats ages. a friend of mine had fry after having a platy in a tank of females for 6 months. truly amazing fish.
thanks for the link. my platy's spots dont look like that, they look like a buncyh of black pinheads inside her near the anal fin thing. but she doesnt seem sick so im gonna guess its pregnancy.. as one has alreayd given birth and when i bought them they were in an overstocked tank full of males.

as far as them being amazing fish.. certainly. ive grown to adore platies and want to get a big platy tank one day. very inquisitive and curious type of fish.

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