How Overstocked Am I?


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Alrite. My tank, for starters is doing great. The fish seem happy too. Im just wondering if im technically overstocked. The water is good and everything else seems to be in check. Water changes weekly.

That being said, I know it's cramped. I have:

-4 Platies
-3 Cories
-1 ADF/1 shrimp

So what does everyone think?
erm, we need a tank size :/

edit: just noticed it says 10gal. duh! :blush:
No it isnt overstocked. As long as it is deffinately an ADF and not an ACF I can't see a problem with that stocking as long as you keep up with weekly water change / gravel clean.

Personally my only concern would be platy fry. You can't afford to have any of them or any more platties.
Otherwise, if you stick to those numbers with the fish you currently have, I'd say you're doing fine :)
Thanks for the quick replies. Good to see the majority here think it should be okay. The adf is an older fellow and is definately not an ACF.

Yes, as mentioned- I cannot afford to have platy fry. This is why i've got all females! :good:

I'll be sure to keep up with the cleaning.
Does not look like it is over stocked, even if you were to get fry they would mostly get eaten as snacks so no real concern there.
Yes, as mentioned- I cannot afford to have platy fry. This is why i've got all females! :good:
Uhm you do know that females can hold sperm for up to around 6 months - and the're is no such thing as a virgin platy ! :crazy: :lol:

You'll be dealing with fry at some point - that's for sure :)

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