Hardy Fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2006
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ive read other posters about starting with hardy fish are mollies ,platties and guppies?

which fish are the most hardy?


sorry i mean are mollies guppies platties hardy?

which fish in general apart from these are the bost hardy?

are catfish hardy?


can i edit my post - i meant most

hi there.

platies are pretty hardy, yes. they are my favorite to keep and easy to breed if you're ever into that.

from my experience cory catfish can be very sensitive to changes, they get stressed easily.. that being said, they don't seem to get sick often (ever, really) and seem to live longer than my other fish.

the most hardy fish, in my opinion, would have to be the betta. (but you may only keep one in your tank, and have to be careful who he goes with..)

I put three danios in my first tank ( 2 zebra and 1 leopard) My tank has been going for about 6 months now and they are still thriving! Platties are very hardy as well I put a couple of them in my first tank with the danios.

Hope this helps!


Mollys, guppies and platties are livebearers so unless you want a bazillion babies get a single sex group. If you do a proper fishles cycle (see pinned topics) you have no need to worry about getting hardy fish. What kind of catfish were you meaning? Corydoras are nice and some are quite hardy, not to add to an un cycled tank though. Have a look through the fish index and see what types you like. Remember shoaling fish like to be in groups of 6+ so the size of tank you buy will dictate what fish you can keep.

Emma :)
Also- any platies ive had weren't able to survive in a tank that was cycling, or not completely cycled. (most fish wont, but some like danios and bettas are more resistant)
would 3 Danios, 2 Silver Mollies, 3 Platies ,and 3 Gupppies survive in a 17gallon UK tank

i don't reccommend you keep danio's in 3's myself.

my person experince is that they are more active in 6's and also they (well mine) got agressive as the numbers lowered.

so i'd either drop the danio's or another sort and if you drop the three danio's add maybe another mollie but that could start to push it. or ot have the mollie's and get more danio's.

mollie's are more suited to brackish set-up's and i quote from pfk "are the second worst treated fish after the goldfish" so a personally would drop the mollie's from the tank and get some more danio's.

ive read on here that danios sometimes like to nip at fins, which would cause issues if you buy the pretty fancytail guppies.

i'd just get the fish listed, minus the danios. mollies are brackish, yes, but ive seen many do well in fresh water.. maybe that's just me though.
we are going to drop the Danios then


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