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  1. T

    Fishless cycle not going anywhere

    I had the same problem and everyone told me to add more ammonia so I did and it did nothing. In fact what little change I was having quit when I added more ammonia. I definatly think you can add to much. Finaly I just dumped the water and started again with the ammonia at 4.0ppm and Im not...
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    Bubble Wall ??

    When I had a 10g I got one just cause I thought it would look cool. I got it from wal-mart and it had suction cups and it did great. It was cheap too.
  3. T

    Could I use Clay to make rock formations?

    Thats good. Thanks for the info. I knew there was more reason for taking ceramics in high school than just a easy A. :thumbs:
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    Fishless Cycle!

    I bought it about a two weeks ago. It didnt work for me but I am going to give it another shot.
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    Hope I don't offend anyone...

    Its about as broad as it is long really cause if you dont buy it it could be dead in a couple days and not enjoy any life because of a novice. Im not wanting to argue just letting you know where im coming from. I see your point too. :thumbs:
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    Hope I don't offend anyone...

    I think its ok to get a fish that will grow to big for you tank. Some people dont have the funds to keep large fish but would still like the experience of having them even if it is just for a while. Then they can get rid of them. I dont mean kill them, just pass them on to someone who does have...
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    Fishless cycle not working

    Off topic but I thought I would ask here instead of make another thread. Does anyone know of a good site that has info on biotopes. I think thats what there called when you stock your tank w/ fish from a certain region.
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    Fishless cycle not working

    I figured this would be the best solution. I will get it under control. I know this has been asked before but when I add the water can I add it with a python and just put the dechlorinater in it before hand or will adding the water directly kill the good stuff before it has time to mix and...
  9. T

    Fishless Cycle

    a source of bacteria speeds things up and im pretty sure plants will do fine.
  10. T

    Fishless cycle not working

    It wont cycle for some reason. Could it be the filter? its a aquaclear HOB and a undergravel. The nitrites has been at 1.0 for a while and the Nitrate has been 10 for a long time. Ammonia stays high, I keep adding everyday like everyone said and it just goes up its never spiked and came back...
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    Fishless Cycle

    Thank you for backing me up on that. Is the ammonia you have clear?? I got mine at family dollar and they had some that was a color, It had surfactants and perfumes and stuff. Then they also had the clear kind which is what we need. Perhaps you could go back and look again. Cause I would think...
  12. T

    Fishless Cycle

    I think surfactants are bad maybe someone who knows for sure can back me up on that. Family Dollar has ammonia. It actually has a Family Dollar label on it. Its only ingrediants are water and aqua ammonia. This is what I have been using.
  13. T

    How bout making this a thread to blow off

    believe it or not I have seen worse around here. One place has it so low there is barely enough water to cover the body of the fish and the fish cant move at all. Maybe wiggle a little but thats it. I will never go back.
  14. T

    What do you hate when little kids r in a LFS

    I dont think the topic was meant to attack kids. I agree that its the parents. I would have never did that with my parents. I never got spanked though. My parents just taught me to be respectfull.
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    Bio Spira

    I tried it as well. It didnt do what it said. It was just the other day so I dont know about long term results. I havent lost hope yet though. To many variables to say it doesnt work with only one try. I have been having trouble with my cycle anyway. If I ever need to cycle again or my current...
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    For those of you who want fake plants

    How do you know if they are safe???
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    I just thought it would be more fair to include some good things in a topic rather then bad. Cuz its easy to rant about the bad things and forget about the good.
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    It seems alot of people post topics complaining about Fish Shops. Im not knocking anyone. I do the same when I have a bad experience. I was just thinking that I have good experiences too. So why not brag about the good things. We just had a WalMart changed to a super WalMart and I went to...
  19. T

    Could I use Clay to make rock formations?

    Do a vinegar test I think. put a few drops on it and if it doesnt bubble there fine. I hope someone will confirm this cause I am not sure if I am right.
  20. T

    cycling questions???

    Ok I will do that and add 10ml of ammonia. Thank you again.
  21. T

    cycling questions???

    Should I do a water change to lower ammonia even more?? It seems that it may take out my benificial bacteria I added yesterday. My tank has evaporated some i could prolly add about five gallons to it would this be good or bad? Edit: Thank you so much for the help.
  22. T

    cycling questions???

    I did have a hard time reading my ammonia test. I dont know if it is 4.0 or 8.0 on the card at first I thought it was 4.0 but it seems like here recently its taken the test longer to turn green. I thought maybe it had maxed the test out above 8.0 and now that its taking longer to turn green it...
  23. T

    cycling questions???

    My LFS will not give me any media. So I got Bio-Spira instead. I added it yesterday and then checked the readings today and there is no change. My ammonia is still not going down. It must be something I am missing. Here are the details: I am doing fishless cycling Its a 55 gallon I used pure...
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    How bout making this a thread to blow off

    I would have to say I am very unsatisfied with my LFS I went in to either get Bio-Spira or some media from one of there tanks. They didnt have any Bio-Spira and they wouldnt give me any media from there tank. I was nice, I tried to explain why I needed it. But they wouldnt do it. I thought this...
  25. T

    Could I use Clay to make rock formations?

    I was wondering if I could use clay to sculpt rock formations. I would plan on fireing it. ( I think thats what you call it ) I was just wondering cause it seemed like a cheap way to get my own designs for rock formations. I was thinking it would be ok cause people use clay pots. But I dunno.
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    Fishless cycle, Ammonia at 0!!

    Congrats!!!! and I am going to ask the same: What are you going to put in it?
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    My tank WILL NOT cycle

    Mines been going for about four weeks as well with ammonia still high. I was told the same thing, that i needed to seed the tank with media from a established tank or with bio-spira. My problem is none of my LFS's have biro-spira and they wont give me anything from there tanks to seed mine.
  28. T

    Questions for a new guy?

    Bio-Wheel Filter Here is a link to the write up Greatlakes did on the Bio-Wheel in the hardware section of the forum.
  29. T

    Ammonia level questions!

    3.0 is pretty high. I think most people who cycle w/ fish try to keep it under 1ppm. I have heard the strips are not as accurate as liquid tests. I would recomend a new test kit. Have you added anything to the tank that would cause the readings to be wrong? Also water changes should lower...
  30. T

    Bio Spira

    Keep looking cause its on there. I believe its under FAQ's but I wil check and be sure. Here it is: Bio Spira FAQ a. Long Term Storage (1 year): 50°F (10°C) b. Mid Term Storage (6 months): 39°F-87°F (4°C-31°C)
  31. T

    Trying to stay patient w/ cycle!!

    I called my LFS and none have the product Bio-Spira, so I ask to get some type of media and they told me they couldnt. I tried all of them. Getting the same answer. What is wrong with these people. Even the one I plan to buy fish from wouldnt. I guess I should just go to the place and talk to...
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    I wondered the same thing when I started. I just picked out a few different kinds that I liked. Then got a bunch of them in different sizes. I was amazed at how many plants it takes to get a "full" look in a 55g. and you have a bigger tank then I do. (fake plants BTW just so you know) Also when...
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    Trying to stay patient w/ cycle!!

    Thank you everyone. I will try to get media as soon as possible to seed the tank. I will also keep adding ammonia as many have said. I appreciate all the replys.
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    Trying to stay patient w/ cycle!!

    From my understanding there would be a small amount of bacteria in there from the begining even without seeding the tank with bacteria. I guess this could be the reason why it is working so slow. But this leaves me confused again because I am pretty sure I have a bacteria bloom in my tank. which...
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    Trying to stay patient w/ cycle!!

    Sorry about not getting back to my topic sooner. -I added enough ammonia to get it up to between 4 and 8 ppm -My temp is set to 82 -I did not add any media cause I didnt think I had a source I could trust not to add bad things to my water as well as good. -I havent added any ammonia because I...
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    Trying to stay patient w/ cycle!!

    Its been 31 days now and I have not had to add any more ammonia yet. I keep checking and checking and I dont think its ever going to drop. I have what I think is a bacteria bloom. I have had it for like two weeks now. I know it can take as many as 8 weeks but I thought something would have...
  37. T

    How bout making this a thread to blow off

    I have 5 places to buy fish where I live. 2 Wal-Marts, a Petland, Pets n Things (localy owned), and Complete Pet Mart. Believe it or not Wall-Marts were not the worst. Here is how I rate them: 1. Petland: almost always one person that is helpfull and usually the ones that know nothing refer...
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    You know you're addicted to fishkeeping when..

    My tank sets at the foot of my bed about five foot high. When I set it up I put on a home made stand and was worried about the weight. That night I dreamed that the stand broke and the whole tank came crashing down on me while I was sleeping. It now has 2x4 braces all over it. :D no more bad...
  39. T

    Gravel cleaner thingy!!

    I have a problem keeping the gravel in the tank. It always wants to get sucked through the syphon. :dunno: