My tank WILL NOT cycle


Mar 11, 2004
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Virginia, United States
Tomorrow my tank will have been up for 4 weeks and I 've been testing the water since the week after I got it and I still haven't gotten any nitrite. I suppose it could be my test solution but I don't think so because I'm still getting ammonia. Is there anyway to help get some "good" bacteria in there without shelling out loads for something like bio spira :(
Get some pre-established gravel, decorations, and/or filter media from someone's established tank. That should help put some bacteria into yours! Remember to keep it in water and have movement in the water during the "transfer" from wherever you might get it to your tank!

Good luck!
LOL@ shelling out loads...ahh fishkeeping :rolleyes: . Don't worry, it will cycle but if you're staying on top of your water changes as you should will still take a little longer. At least 6 weeks, quite possibly more. No worries though,it'll happen :)
StanTheBetta said:
Yeah but don't people ususally get nitrItes in the first week? :blink:
I always have when cycling w/o fish. Could be a problem with your test kit... my nitrate tester always shows 0, and the lfs tests my water at 30. I would suggest taking a water sample to your lfs and have them test it.
Mines been going for about four weeks as well with ammonia still high. I was told the same thing, that i needed to seed the tank with media from a established tank or with bio-spira. My problem is none of my LFS's have biro-spira and they wont give me anything from there tanks to seed mine.
May take 2-3 months to establish the bio filter right.

Go get a bottle of "Cycle" it contains the bacteria in their endospore form (means that it can be kept on the shelf in its dormint state for a few years/months).

When the endospores are added to an environment that they can become active in they will become active and start to grow and multiply. Think of an endospore as being a seed for a tree maybe (not the best analogy).

You can buy Cycle pretty cheap at Walmart/LFS and it does work. It will take longer then bio-spira but in two weeks your beneficial bacteria will be growning and their enzymes will be breaking down your tank's ammonia in no time!

Bio-Spira requires a number of "special" conditions and is more expensive because the bacteria are in their active state.
I found a cheap source of bacteria for my fishless cycle to be a potted plant from my lfs. It was less than $5. I just set it in untouched. My nitrites showed up and my ammonia went to 0 in just over a week. I am just waiting for the nitrites to spike and drop now.
You could try adding a small ammount of flake food every day (I take it your tank is as yet not stocked with fish ?). As the food breaks down in the gravel it acts as a fertiliser and the plants absorb the nutrients which should kickstart the cycling.
i left my tank to settle without fish for 3 months and now my fish have setteled in very good try that. also add live plants and if ur not sure if its settled just add in a guppy to see if its survives.
try bying stress zyme it is a bacteria starter that aquarium pharmacituls make you can get at petco or petsmart,you just put 2teaspoons in it weekly for three weeks.

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