You know you're addicted to fishkeeping when..


Fish Crazy
Nov 14, 2003
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Amherstburg Ontario Canada
You dream of fishes!

Last night I dreamt that I had gotten 3 puffer fish (all different colours) and 2 other unknow fish as companions for them.

Strange thing is, as cute as I think puffers are, I haven't even entertained the idea of even owning any.

Hmmm, maybe my dream is telling me something?
You know I think it BUY PUFFERS might be, obviously your BUY PUFFERS subconscious mind is trying to BUY PUFFERS get a message through, you'll probably BUY PUFFERS start imagining messages like that BUY PUFFERS all over the place now.
waterwatereverywhere said:
You know I think it BUY PUFFERS might be, obviously your BUY PUFFERS subconscious mind is trying to BUY PUFFERS get a message through, you'll probably BUY PUFFERS start imagining messages like that BUY PUFFERS all over the place now.

I dream about fish a lot, usually about them being sick :(
waterwatereverywhere said:
You know I think it BUY PUFFERS might be, obviously your BUY PUFFERS subconscious mind is trying to BUY PUFFERS get a message through, you'll probably BUY PUFFERS start imagining messages like that BUY PUFFERS all over the place now.
:rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My girl friend dreams about my fish ever since she opened the lid of my tank to say hello to my betta and he jumped out of the tank :hyper:

She keeps dreaming horrid things happen and she can't help them :sad:

He was ok btw. Silly boy hasn't tried that one again.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
waterwatereverywhere said:
You know I think it BUY PUFFERS might be, obviously your BUY PUFFERS subconscious mind is trying to BUY PUFFERS get a message through, you'll probably BUY PUFFERS start imagining messages like that BUY PUFFERS all over the place now.
OMG! I have this terrible pull to go buy puffers!

I don't know where it's coming from but I can think of nothing else! Please help me!!!!
Actually I've often dreamed of fish myself. Sometimes the dreams are that I've got a wonderful, spectacular tank with lots of superb colourful fish. Those dreams are horrid to wake up from. But also I sometimes dream that I've got fish floating around in mid-air in the house. Weird.... -_-

But Loboto-Me, if you're really getting this pull I think you ought to follow it, you're obviously getting messages for a reason and I BUY A MASSIVE FISH TANK FOR WATERWATEREVERYWHERE think you should just do whatever they say!
LOL, thread of the month should go to this. :lol:

Last week I bought a betta to add some color to the tank, and initially it didn't get along with the killis. After this I went to see Dawn of the Dead (zombie flick). That night I had nightmares of zombie bettas coming to eat my brains, and I woke up at 6 AM and had to check the tank - everything was ok.
But also I sometimes dream that I've got fish floating around in mid-air in the house.

Duuuuuuude. I dreamed that just last night. My tank had no cover, and the fish wouldn't stay in. They'd just "swim" out into the air. Eventually I gave up and let them roam. Fish floating around everywhere. They were all graceful, slow-swimming fish, so at least they were nice to watch. Also, they were made of colorful tissue paper. :crazy:

Toooo creepy.

But also I sometimes dream that I've got fish floating around in mid-air in the house.

Duuuuuuude. I dreamed that just last night.

Funny ... I dreamed that a couple nights ago too. I was weirded out a couple seconds ago, but now i think it must just be a fishkeeper thing. We want them to be around us all the time!

OK I'm having serious problems with my subconscious mind now - DAMN YOU FREUD!!!
Well Doc, It all began when I saw my father dressed as a woman selling bloodworms on the street corner. Mother always told me he was working overtime at the lfs. :-( THE HORROR!
pendragon said:
But also I sometimes dream that I've got fish floating around in mid-air in the house.

Duuuuuuude. I dreamed that just last night. My tank had no cover, and the fish wouldn't stay in. They'd just "swim" out into the air. Eventually I gave up and let them roam. Fish floating around everywhere. They were all graceful, slow-swimming fish, so at least they were nice to watch. Also, they were made of colorful tissue paper. :crazy:

Toooo creepy.

What have u guys been smokin lol must be from cali :thumbs:
My tank sets at the foot of my bed about five foot high. When I set it up I put on a home made stand and was worried about the weight.

That night I dreamed that the stand broke and the whole tank came crashing down on me while I was sleeping. It now has 2x4 braces all over it. :D no more bad dreams
I had a betta that committed suicide, but I couldn't find him- he had just vanished. Anyway, he'd been gone about three days and I was in the shower, hair full of shampoo, and my son, who was 18 months at the time, comes in the bathroom and drops this little black thing in the shower. I bent down and picked it up and was squinting through soap to figure out what it was and I realized it was my dried up betta! :hyper: I was so freaked out that I had dreams for three days about dried up bettas everywhere in my house, the sink, the vacuum canister, in my shoes, it was horrible.

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