Fishless Cycle!


Fish Gatherer
Mar 31, 2004
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Richmond, Virginia
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: Hey do you need source of Bacteria or is it already present in tank?

I have nothing from establish tank, and dont think I like the idea of borrowing from LFS. So what are my other options?

I have read, that I may have enough in my tank already.

But if you suggest adding some, please let me know.

All my plants are plastic, 75 gallon tank, right now running at 84 degrees!

I have read about adding a plant or 2, also heard about biospira.

With Bio spira you just need one package? Please help! :sly: :X :X
Your tank will cycle without you adding anything, but it will cycle much faster if you do.

Some good sources:

Bio-Spira (3oz package for your tank)
Filter Media from an established tank
Gravel from an established tank
Live Plants

Why don't you want to ask the LFS for some media? They're usually fairly accommodating and it can't hurt to ask.
:D :D I think I will use media from LFS, they are so cool!

I just called and asked about Bio Spira, they told me evertything I wanted to know, then told me just come in for some established gravel, free of charge

How cool is that?! :D
modernhamlet said:
Your tank will cycle without you adding anything, but it will cycle much faster if you do.

Some good sources:

Bio-Spira (3oz package for your tank)
Filter Media from an established tank
Gravel from an established tank
Live Plants

Why don't you want to ask the LFS for some media? They're usually fairly accommodating and it can't hurt to ask.
Quick question with that BIO Spira, you just have to introduce it that one time and then, you let it go from there? -_-
Well I guess some of you don’t get out much any more. BIO Spira for fresh water is not being sold any more. They will start selling it in a few months. They had to shut down a part of there factory to upgrade it. They couldn’t keep up with demand and had to upgrade to be able to make more and keep up with the demand. I would ask your LFS for some of the filter out of an aged show tank. If you get some of the filter from a show tank you should not have any worries of getting anything bad.

I use Wal-Mart brand ammonia in my fishless cycles. If you get some and in about a week go and get some more you should get a cycle in 2 ½ weeks.
What are you talking about I just purchased 3 oz's of Fresh water Bio Spira today, so maybe you should get out a little more! :D

But seriously, do I remove carbon if so, how long?
I don't think there are any carbon issues with bio-spria.

Theoretically, you can put the bio-spira in and immediately stock with fish. No fishless cycling necessary. But I've not done it. Perhaps more experienced people can speak to its effectiveness.
I bought it about a two weeks ago. It didnt work for me but I am going to give it another shot.

"Marineland will NOT be releasing any more Freshwater Bio-spira until probably some time in Sept.!!! I am cutting off any further orders of FW Bio-spira as well. I will be filling those orders taken to date but no more until Marineland opens it back up.

The Salt Bio-spira is continuing as normal and, in fact, will have a 1oz
package out sometime the first week of April!

The concept of putting out an "open shelf stock" version of Bio-spira
was cancelled (as we figured) because it was generally agreed and admitted that non-refrigerated shelf-life does deteriorate too quickly.

The whole reasoning from Marineland goes like this:

The demand has completely "outstripped" their capability to re-generate
enough growth of the bacteria to meet demands..... and they would
have continued difficulty meeting orders. Their thinking is to use all the
bacteria growth throughout the summer to build a sufficient back-stock
to once again re-release the product with enough on hand to fully meet demands. "

i know that there is none in VA and not much left on the east cost.

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