How bout making this a thread to blow off

When you buy gas, do you expect the gas attendant to be able to tell you about what the octane level means? Or to be able to diagnose your car problems?

Just playing devils advocate here. I think they should know about their products, and care for the fish. But most people I think just needed a job, and don't really care about what it was
drobbins27 said:
Landlocked said:
ghostknifedp, why are you so upset at pet stores? Did you have a bad experience with them or something?

I understand that I'm going against the grain of this topic, but most pet stores have almost nothing wrong with them. Sure, you can always find a flaw or two, but most of the time it is only a tiny thing, not something that really matters.

Most fish stores have done absolutely nothing wrong. They have conscientious employees, good stock, and are excellent stores in general. It is only the few bad apples in the bunch that stand out in your memory. People tend to stereotype fish stores as "bad", even if they've only had one bad encounter.

I once had three fish in a row die after I got them from a fish store. At first I was inclined to blame the store, but I later realized that my water was to blame, not the store.

Stop ripping on fish stores. If you do have to let off steam, at least specify the store, so those people who like the store(s) don't get upset at you. Don't be a perfectionist over this.

If nothing else, at least consider this: If you were put in charge of your local fish store, what would you do to improve it? Could you really do a better job than they're doing right now?
Whoa, very very liberal thing to say. Well said though. Glad to see someones got the guts to go against the flow. :/
Actually I thought it was off the mark and a little rude in places. I didn't start the thread, and I don't really think we need another thread for blowing off steam, but if I had started it, I would've replied to a couple comments like....

Don't be a perfectionist over this.
I think that we should be perfectionists when it comes to the well-being of animals.

Could you really do a better job than they're doing right now?
I know I could. If I couldn't, I would get myself out of the business.

:p :D :p :D
heresmike said:
drobbins27 said:
Landlocked said:
ghostknifedp, why are you so upset at pet stores?  Did you have a bad experience with them or something?

I understand that I'm going against the grain of this topic, but most pet stores have almost nothing wrong with them.  Sure, you can always find a flaw or two, but most of the time it is only a tiny thing, not something that really matters. 

Most fish stores have done absolutely nothing wrong.  They have conscientious employees, good stock, and are excellent stores in general.  It is only the few bad apples in the bunch that stand out in your memory.  People tend to stereotype fish stores as "bad", even if they've only had one bad encounter. 

I once had three fish in a row die after I got them from a fish store.  At first I was inclined to blame the store, but I later realized that my water was to blame, not the store.

Stop ripping on fish stores.  If you do have to let off steam, at least specify the store, so those people who like the store(s) don't get upset at you.  Don't be a perfectionist over this.

If nothing else, at least consider this:  If you were put in charge of your local fish store, what would you do to improve it?  Could you really do a better job than they're doing right now?
Whoa, very very liberal thing to say. Well said though. Glad to see someones got the guts to go against the flow. :/
Actually I thought it was off the mark and a little rude in places. I didn't start the thread, and I don't really think we need another thread for blowing off steam, but if I had started it, I would've replied to a couple comments like....

Don't be a perfectionist over this.
I think that we should be perfectionists when it comes to the well-being of animals.

Could you really do a better job than they're doing right now?
I know I could. If I couldn't, I would get myself out of the business.

:p :D :p :D
haha also well said:D

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
OKay I really love this store that i always go to. they usually tell me all the correct stuff...until today... ufortunately one of my DWARF puffers died and i was quite sad along with its 2 tank mate dwarfs. My parents gladly told me they would buy another at thier expense and i just called to see if my store had them. They asked me if i had a salt or freshwater tank. i told them fresh and she started telling me how ALL puffers have to have brackish water or they will die.And if they do manage to live they will end up nipping the other fish.I specified this was a dwarf tank and she said they will do this to them too. She told me she knew what she was talking about shed been in the bussiness for 17 years.Now dont get me wrong but ive owned this tank for a year now and this is my first that died.Shouldnt I know what I'M talking about!?!?!?!?! :sad: sorry i had to blow it off.Thats why I made the thread neways.
I would have to say I am very unsatisfied with my LFS I went in to either get Bio-Spira or some media from one of there tanks. They didnt have any Bio-Spira and they wouldnt give me any media from there tank. I was nice, I tried to explain why I needed it. But they wouldnt do it. I thought this would be a comman thing with any fish shop. Good news is he told me about another shop that did carry it.

This shop was huge and had a much better selection of everything. Better prices on some things. The Bad news is I have to drive almost a hour to get there. :blink:

I had to post a message here cause I think all my mistakes I have made in my tank were from advice from the petshop.

I have learned more in my short time on this forum .. thanks everyone !!

I have since found a good aquarium .. they don't sell anything but fish and one guy is really good.

I had a bad experience with others anything from selling me "tiger barbs" as good tank mates with my guppies .. then they went and ate all their fins !!

Another keeps telling me to add salt or meth green for every symptom I have asked them about. I was medicating too much .. from their advice so it seems there are good and bad.

Problem is you have to find the good one so you don't kill your fish.

I went to walmart to buy one of those magnet cleaners and this is how high the betta water was in the cup


I AM NOT EXXAGERATING THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
ghostknifedp said:
I went to walmart to buy one of those magnet cleaners and this is how high the betta water was in the cup


I AM NOT EXXAGERATING THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
Yikes! :blink:
believe it or not I have seen worse around here. One place has it so low there is barely enough water to cover the body of the fish and the fish cant move at all. Maybe wiggle a little but thats it. I will never go back.
I have one store locally that is privately owned and then two within an hour or two of my house. All three are excellent. The local one I managed for seven years before I had kids.
In our store at the first sign of any disease or distress, a sign was put on the tank that said, "Sorry, we can't go home today!" We asked tons of questions before any fish was bagged, and if a person could not provide the proper environment for that fish, the fish was not sold. We would only sell a certain number of fish at a time (unless it was feeders or for multiple tanks) then the people could bring in a sample of their water to make sure that they were ready to add more. If we did not know an answer to someone's question, we took their name and number, researched and would call them that day with the answer. There were also days when people who had bad intentions for the animals would come in and they were told that the entire store was not for sale for one reson or another. I know we pissed off a lot of people, but for the most part if you were interested in keeping a healthy pet, you went home satisfied.
I haven't worked at the other two stores in my area so I don't know the inner workings, but when I have bought fish from them they have always started out with the basic, what size tank, what else is in it, what are your parameters and maintenance scheldule...
All three of these stores do not sell dyed fish or anything that would get excessively large (ie pacu etc). They also do home visits for just about any problem.
I'm sorry that so many people have had bad experiences, but there are good ones out there. To me personally, it's worth the drive to go to the reputable stores, and I'm grateful that I have them. :)

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