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  1. Fish are AWE

    Longfin Bristlenose Catfish

    Hi evryone, i was just wondering. I was in my lfs when i saw a longfin bristle catfish. It costed $40 (in AUS) and i was wondering is it worth it? Im still gonna get it, i just want your opinion
  2. Fish are AWE

    Neon Tetras - Unhealthy

    Hmmm their colours do seem a bit faded, do anything you can to help relieve the stress of them. If not then they might get the dreaded Neon Tetra disease.
  3. Fish are AWE

    Do You Name Your Fish?

    I used to have 3 fish that only had names.. THEN i started getting soo addicted to fish i could count them all. Why would nobody want you betta fishy friend2 his gorgeous!
  4. Fish are AWE

    To Addicted To Fish!?

    I just wanted to know how much people are into fish. No can also mean other things
  5. Fish are AWE

    Made In Vietnam :d

    :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
  6. Fish are AWE

    Axolotl Feeding

    oh and how do i clean sand?
  7. Fish are AWE

    Axolotl Feeding

    my setup is quite good. Its around 12-15 gallons and has really (Stones that cant fit in her mouth) big stones. Has a awesome hiding place (that i got for 35 bucks :() and some java moss growing, im going to get sand soon
  8. Fish are AWE

    Nutrafin Aqua Plus

    Wow, ive seen sachem prime but i thought it was just like any other water conditioner. Is stress coat better?
  9. Fish are AWE

    Axolotl Feeding

    Hi. I have axolotls and i was wondering what i should feed them. I currently feed them bloodworms and pellets. I know this isnt a very complex diet thats why i want to ask you guys. What do you feed your axolotl?
  10. Fish are AWE

    What Was Your First Fish?

    Fishy Friend im so sorry.
  11. Fish are AWE

    Crystal Red Shrimp

    They look awesome, i used to have some shrimp until my betta.... (you get the picture) I've been looking for shrimp and my lfs had rec crystal shrimp that were really expensive. You got a great deal there! :good: :good: :good: :good:
  12. Fish are AWE

    Tiger Barbs

    I would choose fish that are relatively hardy but dont have long flowing fins. Plecs, loaches may work
  13. Fish are AWE

    Hardiest Marine Fish?

    I want to set up a fish tank some time in the future, but what is a hardy marine fish specie to choose from? :rolleyes:
  14. Fish are AWE

    Am I Fully Stocked?

    I geuss your fully stocked. What are you going to do with the fry?
  15. Fish are AWE

    How Good Are Bristlenose Plecos For Eating Algae?

    Try otos they do quite a good job too.
  16. Fish are AWE

    New Albino Bn

    I love it! were there alot of Albinos at your lfs because there are always none at mine.... ALBINOS RULE!
  17. Fish are AWE

    Plecs Digging In The Sand.

    yeah thats normal, he could bury himslef because the wants shelter
  18. Fish are AWE

    Plecos Or Algae Eaters?

    otos are great algae eaters, though ive never seen any in my lfs..... I WANT ONE!
  19. Fish are AWE

    Poseidon Doesn't Like The Camera

    Love that vid and you betta is Awesome! :good:
  20. Fish are AWE

    Help With African Dwarf Frogs

    Hi everyone, I looked around my LFS and i could find no ADF. Could they order me some? and are ADF usually rare? How much do they cost? Thank you
  21. Fish are AWE

    Obese Axolotls

    Fast them for 1 or 2 days (im kinda afraid fasting axolotl for 2 days) and feed them little bits of food Hope this helps
  22. Fish are AWE

    Cory Trouble Please Help!

    Does thetank have enough aeration?
  23. Fish are AWE

    Pic Of Corys In Love

    Lo thats cool, i love you picture. Tell me what tank size are they in and what do you feed them?
  24. Fish are AWE

    Would This Be Alright For Cory Fry?

    try making your own filter, they seem to be quite good. The simplest one is just basically air pump, sponge, control valve and scissors. try looking it up
  25. Fish are AWE

    Types Of Corys

    My brone cories are actually quite small, prob at max for 1 inch
  26. Fish are AWE

    Java Moss - What Is Happening To The Plant

    Hmmmmm, i think they are tannin (sorry if im wrong) but i had them on plants and mopani wood. My fish didnt bother to touch them, but after a good washing they will be gone. I had the exact same prob. :) hope this helps
  27. Fish are AWE


    They're fine, ive had them with my axolotl (from plants too probably) they actually make great free cleanup crews! :good:
  28. Fish are AWE

    Tankmates For My Male Betta

    If you want to get him some company use a mirror and face it to him, he will flare but do it no longer than 5 mins because he will be very stressed out
  29. Fish are AWE

    Betta Fish Rescue!

    WOW! all you fish look amazing! :) :good:
  30. Fish are AWE

    Moss Balls

    thanks for all your answers :)
  31. Fish are AWE

    Betta Breeding

    Lol sry Thanks for all your help :)
  32. Fish are AWE

    Betta With Ick/white Spot

    Quarantine him as soon as possible, like fish protector said raise the temp. If necessary use medications. Just use a little bit of med at 1st though. Hope this helps
  33. Fish are AWE

    Nutrafin Aqua Plus

    Ive used nutrafin aqua plus and its basically water conditioner. How big is your tank? For 30L i would put one cap. I hope this helps :)
  34. Fish are AWE

    Cory That Doesn't Eat Cory Food?

    Hmm... I agree with the other people, but try feeding him at night cories tend to be more active at night time. THEY SHOOT LIKE ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!
  35. Fish are AWE

    Wear Do You Find Wight Sand Substrate

    Goto LFS (loacal fish stores) or pet stores, hardware stores also sell play sand that might work. Dont go for dyed sands. AVOID DYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LA LA LAND HAS LOADS OF FISHES! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
  36. Fish are AWE

    Could He Survive?

    Great! It would be kinda like real life, if we didnt have freinds we would be sad... :sad:
  37. Fish are AWE

    Can I Keep Corys?

    i recon that setup would be too small for cories, plus you have too keep cories in at least groups of 3 so that would be overstocking if you added all thatt fish.