Search results

  1. jonnyf84

    New Zealand Fishkeeping

    Hi, not sure i'll get many responses to this but i did once see a a member from New Zealand on here so i'm hoping. I've looked all over for info and honestly i'm not holding my hopes up for anything special, from what i'v gathered it isn't a hobby that has kicked off yet, i haven't managed to...
  2. jonnyf84

    Regulator Problem

    I just replaced the bottle and since then it has had a problem, all check valves and needle valve is open.
  3. jonnyf84

    Regulator Problem

    Hi, i have a little problem with my co2 regulator. It's a Dennerle and the needle valve is as far open as it can be and yet the bubble counter only has 2 BPS running through it, there doesn't seem to be any leaks form tubing or connections. Thanks.
  4. jonnyf84

    What The Quietest Air Pump?

    great thanks for that, i had heard that the rena and enheim were the quietest, i think i'll go with the rena, they have never let me down before.
  5. jonnyf84

    What The Quietest Air Pump?

    Hi, i'm not big on air pumps, i use them in my fry tubs but now i need one on standbye and instead of the old bricks that shake the house down i am looking for one that is super quiet, can anyone recommend anything?
  6. jonnyf84


    open your pic with paint the go to Image and stretch/skew and cut the size of the pic by a %, then upload the image to image shack or photo bucket, copy the image code and then paste the code into your sig
  7. jonnyf84

    Treating White Spot

    85F is the point where Ich can no longer reproduce, we raise the temp to speed up the life cycle of ich, this way it becomes free swimming sooner and can therefore be killed sooner so raising your temp to as high as your fish will allow is beneficial, most tropical fish can take 85 without a...
  8. jonnyf84

    Treating White Spot

    i would add another dose, infact i would keep dosing until a day after you can no longer see white spot on the fish as ich can only be killed when it is in its free swimming stage, have you increased the temp? If you are worried about the affect of the meds on your ottos and loaches then raising...
  9. jonnyf84

    Feel Sorry For Dealers Sometimes

    ^^^ i completely agree, i do the same if i've got a busy day and i can't make to a shop until the end of the day i always call up and ask for a closing time, its common sense surely!!!
  10. jonnyf84

    Recomened Any Fish?

    Your almost fully stocked there mate but regardless of that tetras make great community fish and there is a huge choice, rummy nose are my favourites. also i reckon that a nice shoal of schooling fish will tie your community together quite nicely. Other than that rasboras are great community...
  11. jonnyf84

    Which Tank?

    if it was my choice i would go for the cichlid set up although i hate to burst your bubble but you won't make much money by breeding them and in addition to the main tank you would need a grow out tank as most lfs' won't take cichlid fry less than 1 inch in length. The only way to make decent...
  12. jonnyf84

    Black Molly With Puffy Scales, Some Are White.

    puffy scales? does it look like a fungus, a cotton wool like growth? Post a picture and you'l get a much faster answer.
  13. jonnyf84

    Characodon Audax

    Nigrensis is a beautiful fish, i just love my swords :lol: I got your PM thanks, it looks promising.
  14. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    :lol: thanks Keenonfish, the water from Leeds will no doubt be quite different from the water in Manchester, if you go onto your water providers website you can see a detailed list of your water parametres, all apart from PH which for some reason most water boards, especially yorkshire water are...
  15. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    thanks for that. No its just one leaf on one plant that has a brown tip, i will cut it off once i've figured out whats wrong with it, its centraly placed so gets plenty of circulation around it, the leaves on my bleheri are slightly brittle too. I'll wait for the Koralia because the circulation...
  16. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    it can't be co2, drop checker shows a lime green with a slight yellowish tinge. Must be iron, i'll order some off AE.
  17. jonnyf84

    Medication And Cloudy Water

    sorry no one replied to you sooner. Its not unusual for water to become cloudy due to medicines but more likely it will be a bacterial bloom due to the changes in water parametres, 99% of the time cloudy water is not a problem. Keep an eye on your fish for any unusual behaviour like hanging near...
  18. jonnyf84

    Hmmm A Nice Little Fish Farm In Colombia

    ah ok, he looks like a cheeky little fella!
  19. jonnyf84

    Would This Be Pointless

    if columnaris comes back dose with pimafix and myxazin, works a treat.
  20. jonnyf84

    Hmmm A Nice Little Fish Farm In Colombia

    :lol: you never know in columbia!!! what type of puffer is that in your avatar mixmaster jay?
  21. jonnyf84

    Bump On My Molly

    difficult to tell from that mate, post this in the emergency section and you'l be more likely to get accurate answers, maybe PM wilder.
  22. jonnyf84

    Can A Heater Ever Be Too Big?

    rena smartheater all the way, i would never use anything else, they are a bit bulky but have never had one break and i've got a cupboard full of empty rena boxes so they are well trialed :lol: you can see one in my sig between the cabomba and the java moss.
  23. jonnyf84

    Hmmm A Nice Little Fish Farm In Colombia

    $25k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats dirt cheap! i might buy it myself :hey:
  24. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    good stuff, cheers jen.
  25. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    oh dear that must be a tough choice!!!!!! Sorry, PF? Juvi's are fine, cheaper and i get the enjoyment of watching them grow. I've seen your two listed on ebay, there seems to be plenty of interest, have you got the papers to varify that it is wild caught? There is a guy selling one in...
  26. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    mmm could be potassium, thanks jen. Just a passing thought but do you have any contacts for L046's?
  27. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    thanks jen, i hope so - the koralia's are quite a good piece of kit i reckon. I think there might be a slight iron defficiency as some leaves are slightly brittle but i dont think a browned tip is due to lack of iron.
  28. jonnyf84

    Blue Platy!?

    those aren't blue platys i'm afraid to say, they are mickey mouse platy's with a blue strain (blue mickey mouse), theres is so much interbreeding in platys now that it is almost impossible to find a true strain. the fry will come out one or the other, there will be little variation in 2nd gen fry.
  29. jonnyf84

    My First Aquascape Finally Coming Together

    thanks fellas, i noticed a defficiency on one of the plants last night, its got a rusty brown leaf tip, i'll post pics when i get a chance, any ideas what it might be? Still waiting for my koralia pump - i'm hoping that will make a difference in the growth department as the HC just won't quite...
  30. jonnyf84

    Characodon Audax

    thankyou for the list fish28. I was just looking through your images on photo bucket, is this X. Nigrensis? No its the bradford auction on the 17th May.
  31. jonnyf84


    i don't know for sure, theres a small post here about the same subject:
  32. jonnyf84

    Collecting And Importing Wild Fish

    mexico is a must visit at the moment i hear :lol: fish and friends, the fish would be fine, i would lose some but on a trip like that you would send back a whole host of different species in large numbers so losing a few wouldn't be a big deal. Tank bred is fine and its great fun breeding...
  33. jonnyf84

    Collecting And Importing Wild Fish

    thanks trent, and thanks for that info mike os. Like i posted money isn't the issue but that does look like a lot of sorting out, it would be around a year until i could go due to work commitments though so i've got plenty of time to get things sussed. I'm a experienced traveller so getting...
  34. jonnyf84

    Characodon Audax

    I wouldn't like to buy then from a retailer as i wouldn't know for sure they aren't hybrids. I am going to the auction anyway but ian got my hopes up when he said there might be some red/black princes and i figured they might be coming from you. Is it the bradford auction? If so would it be...
  35. jonnyf84

    Collecting And Importing Wild Fish

    i'll see what i can find out, there are a couple of blokes in the rare livebearer section that have done it so i'll post there and let you know if i find some answers. Columbia huh, same region but i was thinking more mexico or guatamala - if you could go to columbia tomorrow what fish would you...
  36. jonnyf84

    Collecting And Importing Wild Fish

    this is what i mean, what paperwork? I would go on my own regardless of expense.
  37. jonnyf84

    Collecting And Importing Wild Fish

    no just for my own enjoyment, money doesn't come into it.
  38. jonnyf84

    Collecting And Importing Wild Fish

    I would like to know how easy this is before i even start to think about making any plans. So i go choose a fish i want to keep, go to its natural habitat, catch it and prepare it to be sent back to the UK. What i dont have any idea about is the paper work and customs restrictions? Any info or...
  39. jonnyf84

    Characodon Audax

    No not at all, i like posts like that, once i've researched all that was said i have a much better understanding of things and that can only be good. Haha, imagine the outcome if it were possible :lol: Oh you've got to love there spirit when they do things like that, fish behaviour is a...
  40. jonnyf84

    Characodon Audax

    well thats that cleared up, thankyou. Fish48 are you based in the north? I have a inkling that Ian was talking about you regarding the Auction in mid May? Or am i off the mark. How much should i be looking to pay for these fish? And how rare would you consider them to be?