Would This Be Pointless


Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
I've had some issues with my tank over the past couple of weeks, columnaris, finrot and 1 fatality due to this. I've had a real nightmare ridding my tank of these so I'm thinking of undertaking a major cleanout of the tank.

Basically emptying tank completely (fish, filter, heater in large container), and having a good clean of tank gravel and decor. My only issue is this. Would it be completely pointless if the filter doesn't get a good clean, if there are some issues in the tank water, like still some infection, this would still be in the filter aswell, but obviously I can't do a thorough clean of the filter as I'm then going to start a cycle within the tank.

I guess one thing I could do once the tank is cleaned, is run a couple of day course of myxazin just to be on the safe side.

Anyones thoughts on this???


Edit: I'm possibly looking at doing this Sunday, or maybe the Sunday after, just want to make sure all fish are well and no repeat signs of infection before undertaking a biggish job like this!!!
No i would'nt, think you just need to do some good gravel vac's,waterchange's,minimul feeding and don't add anything more to the tank for a while...Take it everything's now ok in the tank?
Hopefully (touchwood) all is good now. All fish seem to be OK.

One thing that's really bugging me about the tank, is a film of something on the top that just won't go away (I think you posted nelly in a topic I made about it before), and I worried that the tank's water quality is not as it should be, even though frequent water changes and gravel vacs are the norm (twice weekly). Maybe a good gravel clean could sort this out, as 80% water changes haven't!!!

I'm swayed between massive cleanout and leaving it, don't want it to be pointless, and as you say nelly, maybe the minimal feeding etc are the way to go.
The film is caused by the oils in the food you are feeding, either reduce or change foods or just skim the top of the water using a jug or bowl, I usually get this film when I am at the end of a bag of flake and all the food is quite small.
The film is caused by the oils in the food you are feeding, either reduce or change foods or just skim the top of the water using a jug or bowl, I usually get this film when I am at the end of a bag of flake and all the food is quite small.

I've done all that, changed flake, changed frozen food, stopped feeding flake, stopped feeding frozen etc, paperon top of tank, removing top layer, still comes back.
I'd actually think about reducing the amount of water you change and concentrating on a good gravel vac every other day that removes say 10-20% of the water as well. I would not do a complete tank clean as it looks like you are back on an even keel and this may cause more problems than you solve.
It is a biofilm - just bacteria/fungus living on the goodness trapped on the surface tension of the water.

Even a thin thin thin layer of oil (which can come from fish waste/foods etc) can grow these and they are harmless.

You simply need to increase the surface aggitation of the water to make the water turn over at the surface. This will eliminate the problem.
if columnaris comes back dose with pimafix and myxazin, works a treat.
if columnaris comes back dose with pimafix and myxazin, works a treat.

Works wonders as you say, I'm all stocked up just in case.

Whats the longest popele have had their tanks going, i.e. tanks never been cleaned out, same gravel, only gravel vacs and water changes???
its a really horrible diesease, you have my sympathy, i just got rid of it- ( touch wood) but wiped out most of my fish.. be a while beforei add anything else to the tank, was really sad to see them all go like that

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