Collecting And Importing Wild Fish

thanks trent, and thanks for that info mike os. Like i posted money isn't the issue but that does look like a lot of sorting out, it would be around a year until i could go due to work commitments though so i've got plenty of time to get things sussed. I'm a experienced traveller so getting visa's and permits for far flung and restricted places won't be a problem but all the proper paper work for import and export and health inspections is going to take a lot of research
Mate if your still on here in a year's time and your thinking of going, give me a shout, if your serious about it, and think about going to colombia then i should actually be there <living> by then so cheap accomodation, even if it's before heading on to mexico, and hopefully by then the swine flu would have sub sided and i would go with you for a trip to remember :good:
Hmm, I can see why you would want to do this but personally I don't agree with wild caugh. Tank Bred all the way! Much more sustainable.
Surely the specimin would die in transit?

mexico is a must visit at the moment i hear :lol:

fish and friends, the fish would be fine, i would lose some but on a trip like that you would send back a whole host of different species in large numbers so losing a few wouldn't be a big deal.

Tank bred is fine and its great fun breeding your own fish but just imagine keeping and breeding pure wild fish that you caught from there natural habitat yourself, they would mean so much more than your average inbred neon tetra don't ya think :nod:

Mate if your still on here in a year's time and your thinking of going, give me a shout, if your serious about it, and think about going to colombia then i should actually be there <living> by then so cheap accomodation, even if it's before heading on to mexico, and hopefully by then the swine flu would have sub sided and i would go with you for a trip to remember :good:

Thats what i'm talking about, the fish keeping world is like one big family, you'v gotta love it.
Oh Mexico getting us all sick with swine flu.

Anywho. What fish are you looking to get? All I can say is have you seen Finding Nemo ;) . They should make a freshwater movie like finding nemo.

Tank raised is the way to go They do better in aquariums. How much would it suck to go throw all the work and money only for something to go wrong and lose the fish during transport. It happens all the time. Or once they get in your tank they mess with your filter and try and escape.

I know it would be fun to do but you know what would be even better..... Pick your favourite fish and go to its place of origin. Then just Snorkel around watching it in it's nature habitat. Take some photos and then you will have photos a story and even more info and insight on the fish. That would be cool kind of like doing your own real live in your face research. I have always wanted to go to Thailand and see wild bettas doing their thing in rice pattys. Then go visit a betta farm.

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