Medication And Cloudy Water


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2009
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I just finished treating my tank for ICH. The water is kind of cloudy now. Is this normal after medicating your tank? I just put the carbon back in last night. Will it clear up on its own? thanks!
I just finished treating my tank for ICH. The water is kind of cloudy now. Is this normal after medicating your tank? I just put the carbon back in last night. Will it clear up on its own? thanks!

sorry no one replied to you sooner. Its not unusual for water to become cloudy due to medicines but more likely it will be a bacterial bloom due to the changes in water parametres, 99% of the time cloudy water is not a problem. Keep an eye on your fish for any unusual behaviour like hanging near the surface or not feeding. For the mo just make sure you test your water regularly and make sure its well oxygenated, if you haven't got a air pump just move your filter outlet up to create surface agitation.
Like stated above, meds don't really make the water cloudy, it just sometimes makes a lot of bubbles on the surface of the water.

It is possible that it could be a bacterial bloom.

Also, make sure that it is not just the inside of the glass that is a little dirty, sometimes this is the case. The dirty glass makes the water look dirty.

But if it is a bacterial bloom, do not worry about is, as it should clear in a couple of days.

And if it is form the meds, the Carbon will take care of it.

If it is still there for more than a week, let us know and we will be able to help you out more then.

Thanks guys. It looks a bit better today and everyone is acting normally and eating like little piggies. My water params are normal and I'll test daily to make sure they stay that way. I just hope the ich doesn't come back. That was my second round of meds.

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