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  1. L

    Mmmmmm ten gallon

    I'm wondering whether I should change the tank so it has some focal point (probably the piece of driftwood) or if I should just continue as I'm going. I'll draw up some layout plans of how each will look like. For now here's Pyro enjoying his ten gallons of space :lol: He wasn't quite in the...
  2. L

    Mmmmmm ten gallon

    Today I went out to square one, the mall, and got some malaysian wood for about 9 bucks. I just ran it down in hot water and it didn't seem to give off many tannins :thumbs: Anyway here's the updated photo.
  3. L

    Mmmmmm ten gallon

    Last night I went out to Big Al's and got a small java fern and small anubias, and 25 lbs of black gravel. I used about 13 lbs. Here's a pic: EDIT: [ those are just bubbles on the gravel ]
  4. L

    Added plants to the 55!

    Awesome, and will definitely look even better when the plants start growing in nicely.
  5. L

    Mmmmmm ten gallon

    The only inhabitant right now is a betta. I'm planning on adding probably 3 golden white cloud minnows, 2 otocinclus (if I the first one I get survives), and probably 3 or 4 harlequin rasboras. Is this good stocking? I'm not sure if this is overdoing it :unsure: Yesterday night I went out to...
  6. L

    Mmmmmm ten gallon

    So I got money for Christmas and I'll be using lots of it to make this ten gallon look nice :):):) Here's a full tank shot a few days ago:
  7. L

    Cycling with fish

  8. L

    Name my fish!

    I had to repost this in bettas because it doesn't let me put pics here :rolleyes: ' Anyways its name is Pyro and thank you everyone for the suggestions
  9. L

    what can I put in a 5g

    :grr: I'm sure we can name you plenty of other fish out there that bettas can live with.
  10. L

    Name my betta :D

    Pyro is it :thumbs: Thanks to everyone who suggested a name :D Now let this topic rest in peace
  11. L

    How much substrate

    Well for the price of 15lbs I can get 25 lbs so I'll go ahead and get that instead, thanks for the help.
  12. L

    How much substrate

    Sure it helps, thanks. Anyone else have anything to say before I go out and buy it?
  13. L

    Black Moors!

    I normally walk by black moors in the store, but if I saw that I'd definitely stop to look! Nice fish! :thumbs:
  14. L

    Name my betta :D

    I shall decide tomorrow morning as soon as I look at this keep posting those names :D :lol: B)
  15. L

    Name my betta :D

    I like pyro but would love to hear more ;)
  16. L

    How much substrate

    How much substrate is a good amounts for a ten gallon tank? (10 x 20 inches) I'm thinking of switching to black gravel but I'm not sure how much to get. I could get two bags of 5 lb gravel for 5 bucks each, or I could get 25 pounds for 20 bucks. But I don't just wanna spend the extra ten bucks...
  17. L

    Name my betta :D

    Another taken before he ate some of his tail :(
  18. L

    Name my betta :D

    Yes I know I posted this in the tropical chit chat but my images didn't show up and it doesn't let me make attachments there :/
  19. L

    I GOT EM!

    Is this the correct way to plant vallis? I'm thinking I could spread it out more by taking apart the bunch so I can make a nice background just out of this bunch. -_- :unsure: What do you think?
  20. L

    I GOT EM!

    Haha I forgot to say I got the plants from somewhere else. The bulbs were from walmart. -_- I need ID for this one:
  21. L

    Name my fish!

    Don't be impressed with the plant, I only planted it today :lol:
  22. L

    Name my fish!

  23. L

    I GOT EM!

    Vallis : Need plant ID: Tank shot: It's crap now but I'm changing to black gravel, adding some fish, and more plants of course. Need plant ID again: And the star of the tank:
  24. L

    I GOT EM!

    So I went to wal mart today and found two power compact fluorescent bulbs for 5 bucks each!!! 11 watts! I am so happy. So I went out and got some plants. One I know for sure is vallisneria spiralis but I'm not sure of the other one. It was in with other bunch plants. I'm not sure if I've...
  25. L

    Hi there!

    Greetings, friend.
  26. L

    Aging water

    I have a water source in my basement with no chlorine :)
  27. L

    Got my first tank today!

    Congratulations and have fun with it :thumbs:
  28. L

    Silly question

    Can you keep apistos (probably cockatoo) with a betta in a ten gallon tank?
  29. L

    Oh. My.

    I noticed lots of sites where they hold the fish, its usually a pleco, :dunno:
  30. L

    the boys

    Tengu makes me think of one of those red cap goldfish! He looks awesome. Joker too.
  31. L

    A quick question

    So I've been doing some reading about cycling and have seen lots of different things as well as cycling by adding raw unprocessed shrimp to the tank. I also came across adding fish two weeks apart each. So I'm building around a betta, this is what they say. You add one small preferably...
  32. L

    Building around a betta

    Your welcome :P I'm really interested because I'm building around a betta too and I've done a lot of reading. -_- You seem to have a head start with the cycling though. Good luck and I hope the LFS can take those fish off your hands.
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    I always think silver dollars look just like little pirhanas -_-
  34. L

    Building around a betta

    Cherry barbs do fine in a pair. Harlequin rasboras should be ok in a trio but you don't see their full personality unless you have 6 (but 3 should be ok for the ten). I'd say 3 corys (pandas or pygmys are good in a ten gallon) and 2 otos, just because they like company but don't need that much...
  35. L

    Building around a betta

    Then just make sure it's not in the same tank. B) Someone had a really nice betta tank here. Tear-scar, I think. I'll get the link for you, he made a journal. Edit: Here ya go: It's a really great tank and it's a journal of its...
  36. L

    The Betta Experiment

    Well reading further he eventually put the males in floating isolation jars when he realized they had started fighting. I still think it was a pretty dumb idea.
  37. L

    The Betta Experiment

    WHAT THE %*$@!!!!! that is SO bad. GRRRRRR
  38. L

    lost my last discus

    Ouch. If I ever lost a fish worth that much......ohhh man...
  39. L

    Building around a betta

    So you should rehome them now, in the interest of the fish's health and well being. :thumbs: Hehe. You may also get some otos in that setup but just make sure to choose the healthiest ones at the shop, because only one third of the otos shipped to pet stores actually survive for a while in...
  40. L

    Aquarium Xmas

    I'm hoping to get money that I can put towards buying either a new tank, or stuff for my ten gallon which will soon be a betta tank :D. I'm gonna pamper the heck out of this betta. :hyper: