

Fish Fanatic
Dec 20, 2004
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Minnesota - I do NOT have an accent!
Not sure what forum to put this in... does anyone have any experience with piranhas? Would you reccomend them? Can you point me in the direction of any good reading material about keeping them?

I've always wanted one, as I think they are the perfect fish to suit my personality! Don't get me wrong- I love my tetras, platys, corys, betta, and koi, but a piranha is what I really want!

Thanks in advance for any help. :D
I have three Piranhas I love them, They wait for us to come in the room I have mine in my 180 gallon tank I think that is all they are going to have.
Ask in the characin section, piranhas are pretty much just overgrown tetras with big teeth :p They are characins though all joking asde :)
yeah, but they're from the same family

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend them. they make it hard to clean the tank, they distroy plants and some decorations and you can only keep them ( at best) in a species only tank.
Dont be scared away by their aggression thats why they are cool and to tell you the truth my friend has one and its scared of its own shadow
i have a bunch right now and i love them. they take a lot of work, a lot of feeders, and a lot of gallons. my two largest are a breeding pair, and if you though taking care of betta babies was bad :X and my two small ones will not stop trying to eat eachother. its kinda like a soap opera owning p's.
I always think silver dollars look just like little pirhanas -_-
What tank are you putting them in, or, whats the biggest tank you can get and filter really well? If its red bellies you are after you should keep 4+ which will require a big tank with extra filtration (messy eaters). Some Sp. can and should be kept singly but will still grow large and need good filtration.

mwm said:
my friend has one and its scared of its own shadow
This is probably because they are a schooling fish. Piranhas are characins, and schooling fish. This is because they have a hormone or whatever that is released by one fish, if it senses danger. With piranhas, this also triggers feeding frenzies. This is why most characins are schooling fish, because of the hormone thing. When its alone, it is scared because it has to rely on itself to sense danger.
If you are looking for a really aggressive fish a black piranha is right up your alley. They have to be kept alone and will follow you when you come into the room, so watch your fingers when doing maintnence. They will grow to about 15" or so. You will need atleast a 75g for it. they can also be pretty expensive and hard to find. Here is where I order my P's from


Make sure you do your research. Piranha are pretty hardy fish and hard to kill but it can be done.

I hope you enjoy!

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