Mmmmmm ten gallon


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2004
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So I got money for Christmas and I'll be using lots of it to make this ten gallon look nice :):):)

Here's a full tank shot a few days ago:
Looking good.
Love seeing other peoples tanks.
Only probalem is it makes me want more!!!!!!!
The only inhabitant right now is a betta. I'm planning on adding probably 3 golden white cloud minnows, 2 otocinclus (if I the first one I get survives), and probably 3 or 4 harlequin rasboras. Is this good stocking? I'm not sure if this is overdoing it :unsure:

Yesterday night I went out to Big Al's and got 25 lbs of estes black gravel, a small java fern and a small anubia. I spread out the vallis more and noticed two of them have runners :thumbs:

The plants I have are easy plants to grow. More pictures to come when this camera is charged :rolleyes:
Get that camera charged, lol.
Stocking levels i go by.
Add lenths of fish(when full grown) and this should be the length of your tank.
There is another way, 1inch of fish per 1inch cube'd or summint like that.
Do you have a TV, get rid of it, book shelf, get rid of it, sofa, get rid of it. There, loads of space hehe.


It looks massive. It's probably a bit longer than my ten, and less tall...

Anyways looks wonderful, especially since you only recently set it up. :D
jflowers said:
Do you have a TV, get rid of it, book shelf, get rid of it, sofa, get rid of it. There, loads of space hehe.

I ditched the big TV and desk and put one there.
But then i had to splash out on a slim line to fit in somewhere else.
This fish thing is adictive and evpensive, hehe :cool:
Last night I went out to Big Al's and got a small java fern and small anubias, and 25 lbs of black gravel. I used about 13 lbs.

Here's a pic:

EDIT: [ those are just bubbles on the gravel ]
Today I went out to square one, the mall, and got some malaysian wood for about 9 bucks. I just ran it down in hot water and it didn't seem to give off many tannins :thumbs:

Anyway here's the updated photo.
I'm wondering whether I should change the tank so it has some focal point (probably the piece of driftwood) or if I should just continue as I'm going. I'll draw up some layout plans of how each will look like.

For now here's Pyro enjoying his ten gallons of space :lol: He wasn't quite in the mood for good picture today -_-
Here's what I'd do with the normal layout

Oh yeah I forgot to label the fuzzy airbrush stuff in the foreground of this, it should be java moss.

As you can see either way I'm moving the java fern to the driftwood because it looks a bit whacky in the way of it. Anyone have any other layouts they think might look good?

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