
Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2004
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So I went to wal mart today and found two power compact fluorescent bulbs for 5 bucks each!!! 11 watts! I am so happy.

So I went out and got some plants.

One I know for sure is vallisneria spiralis but I'm not sure of the other one. It was in with other bunch plants.

I'm not sure if I've planted this stuff correctly though, is there a certain way to plant bunch plants? and the vallis too, please tell me about how to plant that.

'These are just test plants to check in on my skills and see if I'm ready for live plants.

There was java moss in the shop and java fern, but they said they needed to grow more java moss before they could sell, and well, as hardy as it is, I didn't want to spend 10 dollars on a java fern just yet.

I'll make sure to get pics up soon but keep in mind it will likely change drastically over the next 6 weeks or so.

Thanks ;)

btw this is ten gallons so it works out to 2.2 wpg. Do I need to inject co2?
To plant bunch plants, cut away any obviously damaged stem material, it will just rot anyway. Use sharp tools so you do not cause more damage. I normally let the stems float for a few days, maybe a week, they will often develop small roots in that time, even if they don't, it gives the cut end a chance to either heal, or show what is rotting, and you can cut it again.

Bunch the stems together with something, lead wire used to be the commonest, but that is not as available any more. Whatever, be careful not to crush or damage the stems. Then plant, the stems will form a small cup or rosette, you can place a small stone or similar in the cup to help weigh it down until they root. Be aware that many stem plants form weak roots, and in loose substrates, (gravel for example), will tend to float out.

Vallis should be planted such that the roots are covered but that the crown, where the leaves come from, is not.

With 2.2 wpg in a small tank, and the plants you have, CO2 will not be much use.
Vallis :


Need plant ID:


Tank shot:


It's crap now but I'm changing to black gravel, adding some fish, and more plants of course.

Need plant ID again:


And the star of the tank:

Scratch that.

Anyways, java ferns at Walmart? There are never any live plants here, only one or two that aren't for sale. You have at least three types to choose form. Hmm.

You might want to try the bulbs they have. The aponogeton and dwarf lilies are coming along pretty nicely in my tank. :D
Haha I forgot to say I got the plants from somewhere else. The bulbs were from walmart. -_-

I need ID for this one:
Is this the correct way to plant vallis? I'm thinking I could spread it out more by taking apart the bunch so I can make a nice background just out of this bunch. -_- :unsure:

What do you think?
Your unknown plant is Egeria densa, a very easy, fast growing plant, actually a cold water plant, but will stand tropical temperatures.

The Vallis could be Vallisneria americana, the "Biwaensis" cultivar, or possibly the "Contortionist" cultivar. V. spirallis generally does not have twisted leaves, the "spiralis" name comes from the spiral flower spikes it sends up.

If the Vallis came in a pot, yes, you should remove the plants and distribute them. Unless you have a good reason for planting in the pot, it is best to remove them. Once established, and in appropriate conditions, the Vallis plants will send runners at substrate levelk and spread.
The unknown plant looks like Anacharis to me. I have several bunches, and there are different species of it. It is heavy enough in the foliage, it looks like the strain from west Africa.

The lighting is probably enough to keep your plants from dying, but you just about need 3 watts per gal to grow well. I'm assuming this is why the other post said the co2 would not do much good for you. If you want to grow plants, and not just keep them alive....use 3-4 watts per gal, fertilizer, and co2....they will explode with growth.

Here's a melon sword after 1 week in a lighted tank with co2


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Here's the same plant after 3 more weeks. I used to have plants die on a regular basis, until i researched it, and made the improvements.


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Here is my Anacharis I ordered awhile back.


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>>> unknown plant looks like Anacharis to me

Anacharis is one of many common names for Egeria densa.
oops..sorry..lol I had a feeling it was probably named that officially, but wasn't sure..so threw it in. Mainly wanted to tell them to increase their light if they really wanted to have success.

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