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    If You Had One Piece Of Advice It Would Be.......

    Thank you all for the replies. I hope I am ready, just got test kits and all today and have just finished testing parameters. TwoTankAmin: This is my encyclopedia. Along with some Amano books for inspiration. Anyone else learn something no one could have taught them?
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    If You Had One Piece Of Advice It Would Be.......

    I'm getting lots of stem plants and some crypts to start out in a 10g before going to a 20 and was wondering what is the single most important thing you learned with your first planted tank. Thanks for the advice.
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    My First German Blue Ram

    nah try some good flake, some frozen/freeze dried, and he should be good. He ate flake after only a week? Does he eat at top?
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    How To Improve Aqua Clear Waterfall?

    Classic. Great design. did you have to glue the two pieces of the plastic clip together or did they fit tightly? - also what size tank and filter do you have? No plants affected by the ac 30? - I have a ac 20/mini on my 10g now, should I buy one more and use 2 ac20s on my 20g long? - can u...
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    How To Improve Aqua Clear Waterfall?

    But, if you did do this modification wouldn't it somewhat prevent a current from circulating in the tank? yah, it would filter the water just as much but wouldn't it create pockets of low flow?
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    How To Improve Aqua Clear Waterfall?

    Yah, something like what penguins use with the water fountain then a lip l so the water runs down and hits l the bottom of the L...
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    Do Test Kits Expire/go Out Of Date?

    thanks for your advice, i decided not to go after the test kit.
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    Utricularia Graminifolia

    sorry for my ignorance, but by carnivorous, what exactly does this plant eat?
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    Do You Use Magnetic Algae Scrapers?

    Yah, i won't get one b/c all I get is green algae now. My scraper-on-a-stick is warped, so only the edges of the scraper actually scrape. Maybe I'll get a new one after I try the credit card trick.
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    Do You Use Magnetic Algae Scrapers?

    Thanks for the replies, this can be closed by the mods.
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    Do Test Kits Expire/go Out Of Date?

    K, I guess its safe to say the kit this man is selling may be expired.... very expired, even though it hasn't been opened.
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    Do Test Kits Expire/go Out Of Date?

    Wondering because I found a master test kit thats 2-3 years old and it includes all the tests, unlike the test kits now. Sorry about all the posts, just about to buy supplies.
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    Do You Use Magnetic Algae Scrapers?

    ok, ill be careful of that. I'm using sand probably.
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    Which Yeast Generated Co2 Is Better?

    why don't you think a diy mix can be used in the red sea co2? I was planning on my own mix when their supplied yeast runs out.
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    Do You Use Magnetic Algae Scrapers?

    Just wondering if i should buy one. Thanks
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    Canned Clams

    I read something earlier recommending frozen clams from the grocery store, or even the fresh ones they sell = > $
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    What Do Plants Like More, Small Gravel Or Sand?

    Guess I'll be doing it the most common way then. Do I have to mix the lateriteinto the bottom half of the substrate, or can I just have the very bottom layer be laterite w/ sand up above it? Thanks for your help Jen
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    First time I've read your journal fishkiller, Never knew maple would be ok in the aquarium, I've got tons of it around my house. What type of rock is it that you have on the right?
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    What Do Plants Like More, Small Gravel Or Sand?

    well my idea was to use the type of bag/netting that they use in aquaclear media, you know the mesh type stuff, so i would have a very bottom layer of laterite, the mesh, then sand. Do you think the plants would still try to get through the mesh, eventhough it would be right over the laterite...
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    Which Yeast Generated Co2 Is Better?

    Nutrafin Unit - Diffusion: bubble ladder size: up to 20g $21.99 Red Sea Unit - Diffusion: venturi pump size: up to 40g $21.99 The dilemma is that everyone uses the nutrafin, but the red sea unit can be used on bigger tanks also. What would you want to use and why? It's going to go on a...
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    What Do Plants Like More, Small Gravel Or Sand?

    Has anyone's laterite risen up to the top yet with sand? Could it be resolved by using a fine netting, like filter bag netting, and covering the very bottom layer of laterite?
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    Diy Co2 - What Yeast Do You Use?

    yah look in the pinned co2 article. I think it says brewers yeast is bought in moist form = way more pricy. What specific fleishmann's yeast do you use? What PPM do you have? Thanks a lot.
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    Diy Co2 - What Yeast Do You Use?

    isn't champagne and brewers yeast already in a liquid form though? not dry like bakers?
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    Buying Plants Online

    yah, that shipping is crazy expenive, almost more than I'm buying the plants for alone.
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    Buying Plants Online

    Two questions really: 1: What are the main advantages of potted versus non potted? More roots I'm guessing, but is it really worth double the price, especially since I'm getting hardy stuff like crypts, vallis, pennywort? 2: Is UPS 2nd Day air suitable for these hardy/fast growing/root feeding...
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    Diy Co2 - What Yeast Do You Use?

    I have Fleichmanns and Red Star readily available, but was wondering if there is a brand and type that most use. - brewers/wine yeast doesn't come in a dry type does it?
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    What Do Plants Like More, Small Gravel Or Sand?

    Thanks Dubby. I'm gonna go compare prices of gravel and sand, and the cheapest will prevail!
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    What Do Plants Like More, Small Gravel Or Sand?

    ok, thanks guys. I think I'll be going sand and laterite+flourish tabs if the fine gravel is to expensive. - does silica sand discolor or ever turn a yellow color?
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    What Do Plants Like More, Small Gravel Or Sand?

    so it doesn't really limit plant growth, its just more difficult to plant in initially? - then Jen, how do you plant initially? weights?
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    Sam's Now To Be High Light And Tech 20g

    Yes , i guess it could be a sponge (on the left part of the container with the plants) - cat picture right?
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    What Do Plants Like More, Small Gravel Or Sand?

    Why does everyone use sand, besides looks and price, isn't gravel supposed to be better for planted tanks and easier to maintain?
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    Sam's Now To Be High Light And Tech 20g

    Nice tank Themuleous, just read your journal and was wondering what was your reasononing for both laterite and eco-complete?, just to be thorough? -also in the cat picture, what are the green plactic things attached to the plants roots?
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    What Filter Media Do You Use, Besides Floss/sponge?

    so what you are saying, inchworm, is that if you have a healthy tank, chemical filtration will not be necessary because the biological side can handle the nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia? - what about stuff like purigen that polishes the water like charcoal and can be reused? - I was planning on...
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    Anyone Use Emperors On Your Planted Tanks?

    This might bring up the old aquaclear vs. biowheel debate, but is it true that emperors will drive off a lot of co2, because it uses a spraybar and disturbs more water? I am planning on using one on my planted tank, but am afraid it would drive off the nutrafin co2 that I will be using. - How...
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    What Filter Media Do You Use, Besides Floss/sponge?

    I am wondering if there is anything i should use in my 20g tank for chemical filtration? What do you use? - I have a biowheel for biological and floss/sponge for mechanical. - can anyone find the link to posts about modding media in emperor biowheels? Thanks for the help and polling, Jon
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    Tight Schooling Fish For Ph Over 7?

    thanks for all the replies, i was gone for a day or two. Yah, I've been checking for rummies(fake) and harlequins, but only 2 of 4 stores even carry harlequins and they never look good. I'll check the x-rays and lampeyes in the lfs's. I should have plently of current as im using an emperor 280
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    Help Sexing Rams

    I'm also positive those are bolivian rams. Much more hardy than the germans, but a little less colorful.
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    Cherry Barbs

    haha! my females are fat also, but they eat tons, at the top, middle, and bottom. I'll send you a pic of them if you want.
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    My Rams Moved Thier Eggs Across The Tank

    yah, those rams looked pretty bright and happy in your pic fishwatcher, - what size area do they guard around the eggs/fry?