Sam's Now To Be High Light And Tech 20g

The gravel was a combination of things; half box of laterite @ £18.99 per box, two bags of lime-free gravel @ £4.40 per bag, and a bag of eco-complete @ £21.99. So around £50, but it'll be worth it hopfully.

Oh crap thinking about it, I could have got two bags of ADA substate for that! Not sure if 18lt of it would have been enough but crap ADA would have been awesome! Crap again! I'd not really worked it all out like that Ginge!

Sticking with the sag carpet for the time being, will see how it looks. Have 50 on order at as we speak :)

The gravel was a combination of things; half box of laterite @ £18.99 per box, two bags of lime-free gravel @ £4.40 per bag, and a bag of eco-complete @ £21.99. So around £50, but it'll be worth it hopfully.

Oh crap thinking about it, I could have got two bags of ADA substate for that! Not sure if 18lt of it would have been enough but crap ADA would have been awesome! Crap again! I'd not really worked it all out like that Ginge!

Sticking with the sag carpet for the time being, will see how it looks. Have 50 on order at as we speak :)


Yeah i've nearly done the same thing!!!! I feel your pain..ish! Unlucky!!
Cheers FKNM :) glad you like it :) I dont think it follows any scaping 'rules' very well but I like the height it gives the tank and is just a bit different. It'll be interesting to see how it grows too, without the extra light that is and how the anubias do.

That's a nice piece of wood, Sam! Looks great with your new layout. That's really odd you lost three tetras, but maybe it was their time. Do you also keep Serpae tetras in that tank?

The layout looks really lovely so far, can't wait to see it with the sag.

llj :)
Cheers Llj :)

Yeh I do keep serpae's in there, 7 of them, they've never been a problem and only tend to chase each other (and not even do that very much, lazy gits! :lol:) and leave the other fish alone, had them for a few years now. You might be right about the x-rays, tetras don't live that long after all and the stress might just have pushed them over the edge, doh :X

Yeh really looking forward to adding the sags, to finish is off :D

Oh sorry mate I did wonder what you meant in the earlier post. The sags are costing £18.50 including delivery from greenline. 2x £7.50 for 25 and £3.50 P+P, bargain!

Re the German seller, yes I would recommend him/her, very fast delivery and they even left feedback, which not many of the ebay shops do. It was in German though, so haven't a clue what it says!

Re the kits, the only thing I can see with these is trouble getting the cylinder refilled. Most LFS only refil JBL ones, so unless you can find a welding shop or similar that fills cylinders it'll be useless once its empty.

Nice tank Themuleous,

just read your journal and
was wondering what was your reasononing for both laterite and eco-complete?, just to be thorough?

-also in the cat picture, what are the green plactic things attached to the plants roots?
There isn't anything attached to the plants, you're probably looking at the green sponge I use for cleaning.

My reasons for using both laterite and eco-complete are that I'm a complete idiot and didnt think this one through properly (if thats possible, been planning this for years!) Basically I ordered the laterite from aquaessentails and then was going to get the gravel from my LFS. But when I got down there the big bag of black gravel was 29quid, and so I decided to get the eco-complete at 23quid and two small bags of black gravel at £4.40 each so it worked out about the same. If I did this again I probably wouldn't use the laterite, as eco-complete is a much better product, i.e. had 2 bags of Eco-complete and no gravel. Either that or just got the ADA Aqua soil for the same price!

Having said that having both might work better who knows!


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