Cherry Barbs


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
I always thought that the cherry barbs get pregnant, and that is why one of my females is so fat and strange acting. Then I looked it up and realized they spread their eggs as they are mating. So, now I'm wondering what is up with her. She's very fat, and she's been acting a little off. She has 2 areas she likes to just hang out in and she'll run off any other fish that come around. I thought maybe she had laid some eggs or was about to. Then I learned differently. Other than that though she's ok. Her coloring is great, she's eating fine, and the water stats are: amm 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5, temp 78, ph 6.8. I keep the lights on about 6 hrs, off about 2, on about 4-5 more. Oh, I've had her a little over a year, too.
Any ideas? Should I even be concerned?
Thanks for reading such a long post!
She's most likely just carrying eggs, which makes the female's belly look "bloated", and would explain her aggressive behavoir towards the other fish. Just keep an eye on her.
yeah, i hope she's fine . but just wait it out a little longer and see if she lays her eggs. if not watch her behavior when she is just hiding out and relaxing. It's probably not anything wrong but if she starts floating around funny or loosing ballance from side to side that would be from some sort of bloating. but not to worry! that is worst case senairo. just keep an eye on her ! thats all!
haha! my females are fat also, but they eat tons, at the top, middle, and bottom. I'll send you a pic of them if you want.

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