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  1. L

    Tank So Far ... 45 L

    Hi, I really should have started a journal thread for this. Instead I am posting regularly about where I'm currently up to / stuck with it. Anyways, after lots of support from fellow members of fishforums and to a lesser degree the LFS (the LFS can be difficult.. ) My little nano tank looks...
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    Beginner Low Light Corals?

    Hi, I am wondering what corals would be OK to keep for a beginner with a 45L nano tank and an 18w white and actinic blue florescent light? AK55 - you replied to my post about upgrading to MH lighting. I now have a fire fish in my tank, so I couldn't fit a MH light as the tank needs to be...
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    Dead Mithrax

    Haha, dozey me. One thing though, the mithrax is visibly MUCH bigger than it was before it molted! It also appears much more active. It's bloody enormous! I'm slightly concerned if it might turn aggressive towards my new tank's occupants - a clownfish and a dartfish. The dartfish being the main...
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    Dead Mithrax

    Yeh, thanks guys! I was really upset. It was shocking. Then when I saw the crab hid in a crevice in the LR, i was happy again. On another note, I did see a really small beige coloured super fast hitchhiker crab, hopefully it won't be destructive to the rest of the tank.
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    Dead Mithrax

    NEWB ALERT. NEWB ALERT. I fished out the crabs carcus and spent an hour going through a mini bereavement, and feeling sad and like a failure. Then I spotted another emrald crab and thought "wow! a hitchhiker!" Then it dawned on me, that I'd fished out the molted crab shell -- which looks...
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    Dead Mithrax

    Hi, I found my mithrax crab dead today and have fished him out of the tank. He was a fiesty chap who liked to try and bite chunks out of snails, which obviously was not a good thing. I'm really confused about the whole cycling process as things don't appear to have worked out as they do in...
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    Brazillian Flameback Angelfish In 11g?

    OK didn't seem right. I could imagine the fish pacing back and forth all day in a very enclosed space. Cheers, Ben! L
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    How To Set Up A Fish Only Tank?

    Clownfish Firefish Cardinalfish Gobies Basslets - orchid dottyback or royal gramma small wrasse - such as a six line wrasse This should help:
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    How To Set Up A Fish Only Tank?

    Hi David, You're like I was not so long ago. Marines all sound so confusing at first with all the options - sumps, refugiums, skimmers, biological and chemical filtration, live rock etc. It sounds like you have a Juwel tank with an internal box that contains a powerhead and the filter media...
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    Brazillian Flameback Angelfish In 11g?

    I have a book: The Nanoreef handbook by CR Brightwell. At the back she has a list of nano set-up "templates." For the 10g tank, the fish stocking is: - Brazillian Flameback Angelfish Black Cap Gramma Rainfords Goby I know the Brazillian FB Angelfish is small, but I'd heard that they need a...
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    How To Set Up A Fish Only Tank?

    Hey, 17g is fine. I think a lot of experienced people here will say if you are starting out you'd be better going for a 24g+, due to the fact that a larger tank is inherently more stable and more forgiving because there's a larger volume of water. I think you could make a 17g work though. I...
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    Worms Galore!

    I Googled Isopod as well. Yet another thing to be afriad of :unsure:
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    Why Are Marine Fish So Brightly Coloured?

    I suspect it's more to do with sexual selection and competition and perhaps also to do with appearing poisonous / toxic. It's interesting that many sexually desirable traits are actually counter survival, like the peacocks huge tail. There's an evolutionary theory that states that surviving...
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    Electric Flame Scallop, Gigas Clam & Blue Tuxedo Pincussion

    That's helpful. Thanks. I don't have the conditions (lighting) to keep a clam. Firstly I hear the Gigas clam will get huge quickly (if it survived), but it has a smaller cousin. But they need a loda o flight. And the electric flame scollop just does poorly. If I come aross a blue tuxedo...
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    Lr Cycle Confusion

    Cheers Seffie. I'll have to source another LFS, because the one I go to they're all aware of the fact I have a new set-up. and I'll end up in a big debate. They're adamant that a 3 month wait (either with corals and nothing else for reef), or with inverts only, is how it is done. It doesn't...
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    Electric Flame Scallop, Gigas Clam & Blue Tuxedo Pincussion

    #41####. That's no good. I thought I had read stuff like that before about them. If that's so, then I won't get one. Is this the same for all clams / scallops? How do urchins fair? Cheers, L
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    Electric Flame Scallop, Gigas Clam & Blue Tuxedo Pincussion

    Hey, I am doing some research on the inverts mentioned in the title. I hear that electric flame scallops either work well, or spectacularly fail and can potentially crash the system if they die and cause an ammonia spike. I know little to nothing about the gigas clam, and I hear blue tuxedo...
  18. L

    Lr Cycle Confusion

    Haha - well, they do live in holes in the rock. So perhaps they are like rock worm to a degree, even if they aren't actively eating it. I tested my water again today. No change. No ammonia, no nitrite and 2mg/l nitrate. It's atypical, I know but nothing obvious is happening with the stats and...
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    How To Set Up A Fish Only Tank?

    Cured live rock (about 1 kg per US gallon for adequate filtration) Some substrate - argonite sand is fine for a substrate. Live sand is apparently not necessary and it's debated just how live the sand really is when it has been sat on a shelf for a period of time. The rock will "seed" the sand...
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    Why Are Marine Fish So Brightly Coloured?

    I'm fascinated by evolution and adaptive traits and so on. And as I'm also fascinated by fish, freshwater fish initially, but now also marine fish, I'm wondering about a few things. There's obviously a clear difference in vibrancy of colour between marine and freshwater fishes. It's obvious...
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    Does This Skimmer Appear To Be Working Ok?

    Thanks Jenny Bugs. I hope so! I also have an air pump in my copepod tank. So it's fairly noisy. I realise though it's noisier at different times. It's amazing how the brain filters / perceives noise. When I go to bed there's a mild noise in the adjacent offce (attached to my bedroom). But...
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    Worms In The Rock

    Interesting to know they die off pretty quick. I think for a large ammonia spike some larger stuff would have to have died on the rock due to being out of water?
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    Fish Of The Week - Gobies

    Haha - the shrimp looks like its in ecstasy. Like it's having its back rubbed or something.
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    Lr Cycle Confusion

    Wow, you're going to be able to get some fish in there. And I suspect with the amount of LR you will get a load of worms and so on. Hopefully my meager 5kgs of LR isn't loaded with 'em.
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    Diy Nano Protein Skimmer?

    I just set up a niagara 280 hang on back skimmer. It's only £29 and there's a compartment that would easily house the rowaphos pads, which would sort out the phosphate issues.
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    Lr Cycle Confusion

    Bristleworms - argh. Yeh, well, I'm going to keep checking it but I reckon it'll be ready for CuC soon at this rate. I'm concerned that the nitrifying bacteria might die off / back if there's not a sustained ammonia source. If my thinking is correct. How big is your tank rl1oyd?
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    Does This Skimmer Appear To Be Working Ok?

    Hi Ski, Yes, there's a little cap for it. Awesome. A cheap skimmer that seems to work ok! I didn't know how to set it to get the bubbles right - i.e. what the aim is - but I suspect it's to have the bubbles travel to the top of the tube into the cup. Only problem is, it's in the room. I...
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    Worms In The Rock

    I just find them revolting and am mildly worm-phobic. Apologies for not having an answer for you. Having worms in your rock means there is at least some life in there, but I don't know how resistant to being out of water the worms are compared to other LR inhabitants. However, if you got the...
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    Worms In The Rock

    Holy crap. How big and how many? I seriously hate worms and anything worm-like. But have just bought about 5kgs of live rock. If a load of worms crawled out, I'd probably call the police.
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    Lr Cycle Confusion

    Hi, I got another 2kgs of LR today. It was ready cured, and as I had my motorbike instead of putting it in water, the LFS people put it into a bag. I then scooted home -- through the city centre in heavy rush hour traffic -- about 3/4 miles and the LR was no more than 20 minutes out of the...
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    Does This Skimmer Appear To Be Working Ok?

    Hi, I have a niagara 280 nano skimmer and want to know if it is running correctly. There are water inlet and air inlet adjustments to control the level of water and the height of the bubbles from the skimmer. I never know how far the bubbles should be traveling upwards into the collection...
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    Copepod Culture Water Change

    Hi, How do you go about topping it up? Do you make a mark where on the container and keep it at that mark or something? I assume topping up with RO. I'm asking because I'll need to buy RO specifically to keep the container topped up. Argh - I just saw a small extremely thin and very long...
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    Copepod Culture Water Change

    Hi, I'm not sure about how to change the water on my copepod culture, without sucking out a load of the buggers. Any ideas how this is done? Fortunately I don't need to do a W/C for awhile but I'd like to make sure that if any kit is needed, I have it to hand. I do have a piece of pipe with...
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    2nd Time Lucky

    Hi Gav, Yes it's a pod tank. It contains live copepods and rotifiers. It's just sat on the window ledge and I feed it with phytoplankton (a bottle of smelly green stuff I keep in the fridge), for them to eat. Apparently after about 3-4 weeks there will be a population explosion and then I...
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    18w 1 X Actinic 10k 1x White T5 Tube

    Hi Ak77, Thanks. That's helpful. Would a 150w halide, or even a 70w H over a 45L tank be excessive? Fortunately the tank has a glass lid, so it shouldn't lead to tonnes of evaporation if I a hotter lamp. L
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    Clown Fish Minimum Tank Size?

    There's a lot more to it, but it sinks in quickly. Spending time reading these forums really helps. And of course, you can post details of your proposed set-up and you'll get really good advice. A saltwater set-up shouldn't be too ambitious, but unfortunately it does cost more.
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    Lr Cycle Confusion

    Cool! Thanks Seffie. I will go by another 1.5kgs tomorrow and stick it in the tank. I can have the LR from shop to tank within about 20 mins. Note to self: must be patient
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    Fish Of The Week - Gobies

    TigerIssey - what is the shrimp doing on your YWG? Is it just cleaning it?
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    Clown Fish Minimum Tank Size?

    My LFS have a clownfish pair in a 6.5g (25L) tank. Seems small, but the fish appear OK.
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    2nd Time Lucky

    A clownfish false percula or occelaris (I think that's right). A small one! A royal gramma or orchid dottyback or six line wrasse perhaps And some kind of goby Or two clownfish Or a clownfish and a dragonet (this depends on how my pod culture fares) What do you think? I just added the...