Electric Flame Scallop, Gigas Clam & Blue Tuxedo Pincussion


Fish Crazy
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, UK

I am doing some research on the inverts mentioned in the title. I hear that electric flame scallops either work well, or spectacularly fail and can potentially crash the system if they die and cause an ammonia spike. I know little to nothing about the gigas clam, and I hear blue tuxedo urchins are the best for nano aquariums but can redecorate and topple live rock.

I'd like people's opinions on each of these inverts. Are they relatively easy to care for? What conditions do they need? Recommended yes/no?

only thing i know is that the electric flame scallop doesnt last long in captivity. even the experts could only get them to live a max of 1 year.
only thing i know is that the electric flame scallop doesnt last long in captivity. even the experts could only get them to live a max of 1 year.

#41####. That's no good. I thought I had read stuff like that before about them. If that's so, then I won't get one. Is this the same for all clams / scallops? How do urchins fair?


I am doing some research on the inverts mentioned in the title. I hear that electric flame scallops either work well,

not for the inexperienced

or spectacularly fail and can potentially crash the system if they die and cause an ammonia spike.

I know little to nothing about the gigas clam,

again, not for the inexperienced and most clams need a lot of light

and I hear blue tuxedo urchins are the best for nano aquariums but can redecorate and topple live rock.

Perfect for a nano and the beginner - I have one myself, lovely creatures

I'd like people's opinions on each of these inverts. Are they relatively easy to care for? What conditions do they need? Recommended yes/no?


Hope that helps

Seffie x
blue tuxedo urchins look awesome. IF you are worried about it moving your rocks, glue them together or put some sort of acrylic rod to hold them together.
blue tuxedo urchins look awesome. IF you are worried about it moving your rocks, glue them together or put some sort of acrylic rod to hold them together.

That's helpful. Thanks. I don't have the conditions (lighting) to keep a clam. Firstly I hear the Gigas clam will get huge quickly (if it survived), but it has a smaller cousin. But they need a loda o flight. And the electric flame scollop just does poorly.

If I come aross a blue tuxedo urchin on my LFS travels he can become part of my CuC.

Agreed, the flame scallops have very poor successes in captivity.

Gigas clams get ENORMOUS, well over 1 foot long shell length when fully grown. Their cousins, Crocea and Derasa are much smaller and more suited to captivity. Crocea clams also require a whole lot of light, usually Halides, or multiple T5 lamps. Derasa clams are more forgiving fro a light standpoint and CAN get by with moderate light. I still wouldn't reccomend it, but it can be done.

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