Worms In The Rock


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2005
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Middlesbrough. England.
so had my rock for 2 days from a guy off the net
Was bit worried it might not of been as live as he had said it was.
However iv noticed tonight it has worm things living in it, think called bristle worms.
Is this a good indication that the rock is live and cured?
so had my rock for 2 days from a guy off the net
Was bit worried it might not of been as live as he had said it was.
However iv noticed tonight it has worm things living in it, think called bristle worms.
Is this a good indication that the rock is live and cured?

Holy crap. How big and how many? I seriously hate worms and anything worm-like. But have just bought about 5kgs of live rock. If a load of worms crawled out, I'd probably call the police.
lol why's that like?
Its also not the answer to the question

I just find them revolting and am mildly worm-phobic.

Apologies for not having an answer for you. Having worms in your rock means there is at least some life in there, but I don't know how resistant to being out of water the worms are compared to other LR inhabitants. However, if you got the rock from an established tank and it wasn't out of the water for too long, then it should be teaming with life.

If it's a new set-up with just water and rock, then you'll want to begin water testing to see if there's any die off from transporting the LR, which is what I'm doing now.
well the lad had shut his tank down and was keeping the rock for me while i was away, said he had been changing the water etc which i have no reason to doubt. Takes few days for things to start appearing i belive?
shouldnt be a problem.

the die off from the rock should keep the bacteria going mines been in the tank for about6 weeks now and have recently noticed lots of copepods. I have also removed a 6-7 inch bristle worm and noticed a further 2 tonight (slightly smaller)

took me 4 weeks to notice new stuff that i hadnt seen in the first 2 weeks.
sounds good :good:
i have like a small red fan type thing just come out last night, its tiny unsure what it is?
i need to get some pics done
feather duster of the mini variety!

They are good things.

You may not notice critters living in there right away, but put some fish food in there, see if you get a spike in ammonia in like 6-12 hours. If not, you have good live rock and it's already got nitrifying bacteria. If you do, then you know you are gunna have to cycle.

Mine was fully cured and I just started noticing bristlies after 2 months.
I woulnd'n't put anything in at the moment - test after about 48 hours and let us know what readings you get.

Bristle worms are good guys and a great addition to a reef

Seffie x

ps they also die off pretty quick if out of water, so stands to reason your rock was not out of water for hours :good:
I woulnd'n't put anything in at the moment - test after about 48 hours and let us know what readings you get.

Bristle worms are good guys and a great addition to a reef

Seffie x

ps they also die off pretty quick if out of water, so stands to reason your rock was not out of water for hours :good:

Interesting to know they die off pretty quick. I think for a large ammonia spike some larger stuff would have to have died on the rock due to being out of water?

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