Ive been running a 6 gallon nano(old eclipse system I had laying around) since feb.
current stock: 1 red firefish, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 3 dwarf hermits, 2 nassarious snails, and various soft corals.
Anyway, due to recent issues( I had an astrea snail that fell upside down and die causing an ammonia spike without me realizing it AND cyano starting to grow), Ive decided to due some modifications on the tank. Does anyone have ideas/plans on a protein skimmer that I could design for my tank?
I had also thought about possibly upgrading to a nano cube 12 delux or may the 24 to give me the ability to have more diversity.
What are your opinions on those and how easy/hard are they to mod?
current stock: 1 red firefish, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 3 dwarf hermits, 2 nassarious snails, and various soft corals.
Anyway, due to recent issues( I had an astrea snail that fell upside down and die causing an ammonia spike without me realizing it AND cyano starting to grow), Ive decided to due some modifications on the tank. Does anyone have ideas/plans on a protein skimmer that I could design for my tank?
I had also thought about possibly upgrading to a nano cube 12 delux or may the 24 to give me the ability to have more diversity.
What are your opinions on those and how easy/hard are they to mod?