Fish Of The Week - Gobies

Anyone got any nice new gobies to share withus?

Seffie x

Remember this is a resource made by us for us - so keep adding to it
Read the post earlier today and really liked the look of the Dracula goby.Visited a LFS later and they had one for sale so I am going to colect him tomorrow. Will try to post a couple of photos once he`s in the tank.
Wow, they have a dracula, you lucky chap - I lost mine in the tank move, would love another. How much is he costing you £50 ish?

Seffie x
I absoloutely adore gobies so I'm definately going to get one for my soon to be marine tank.
Do they prefer to be kept by themselves?
my lovely blue cheek goby.
He makes the sand squecky clean!
I love him!
made his cave in 2 minuits of being in the tank
Yes spot on £50.00 for the Dracula and £11.00 for the shrimp he had joined up with. Put them in yesterday but have not seen them since.Hope to get some piccies soon.
Thinking of adding some gobies to my nano tank which at present does not have any fish.

Was thinking of a blue cheek but heard they can be difficult to keep. Are yellow watchman gobies active? I would like some kind of small goby but want them to be visable for most of the time and not hiding.

Any ohers that could be considered?

Would welcome any advice.

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