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  1. B

    Water Chemistry And Fishless Cycling

    Just found this article which may be of some interest. It appears that the growth of nitrobacter and nitrosomonas are inhibited at any ph under 6.5. Also at the temp and ph my tank is currently at a ammonia level of 10mg would be considered safe (or at least non-toxic). Will attempt to do a...
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    Water Chemistry And Fishless Cycling

    Does anyone know if having an extremely soft water tank can have an impact on the time it takes to carry out fishless cycling. I have carried out fishless cycling before and it has a;ways taken about 3 weeks in total before the tank is fully cycled. This time it is taking ages and the only...
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    New Kitten!

    He does look very cute, how old is he because he looks very young in that picture?
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    Some More Of Thaisun

    Thanks folks. We got Thaisun via a breeder in the UK after doing lots of research. Burmese are the dogs of the cat world, very people orientated but also strong willed. There is a Burmese cat society in the US that has lots of info, and should run a list of reputable breeders as well as rescue...
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    Some More Of Thaisun

    .....even more
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    Some More Of Thaisun

    I have a few more pics of Thaisun my Burmese. Here are a couple of him taking over the sofa resting in my arms and finally one of him taking an unhealthy interest in my tank
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    Blackpool Zoo

    If I am totally honest with you then it is not the best zoo I have ever been to.The fish exhibits seemed far too cramped and unnatural. The reptile and insect section went along the same sort of lines. Its a tenner to get in. I'm sure they do conservation work and it is a balancing act between...
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    Blackpool Zoo

    Recently went to Blackpool Zoo to pass a few hours, here are the pics I took. Otter Red Panda Lion Lemur Ostrich Orangutan Llama
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    April Pet Of The Month Nominations

    Picture of Thaisun and Louis Nominated here
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    Had Bad Experience With Soft Claws

    Have you tried using Feliway spray. Its a spray that mimics cat facial hormones and helps deter them from doing marking behaviours on areas you spray it on. We are quite lucky as our two lads just lie on there back as if they are in a health spa when we clip their nails.
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    Introducing Thaisun And Louis

    Thanks!! His breeder thinks he is fantastic as well and so he is entering his first show next week in Manchester. Fingers crossed he'll win.
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    Introducing Thaisun And Louis

    Thaisun is our Burmese kitten who has just turned 5 months old, and Louis is our Chocolatepoint Siamese who is 4 months old.
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    Breeding Herotilapia Multispinosa

    Well they are free swimming now, hundreds of the buggers. I have posted pics on another thread here
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    Herotilapia Multispinosa Fry

    Well after only fourteen days of having a pair of Rainbow Cichlids, I had free swimming fry today. There are loads of the buggers and they have pretty much taken over a whole half of the tank. Very good parents though. Here is a pic of some with the proud father.
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    Breeding Herotilapia Multispinosa

    I bought a pair 10 days ago and now have wrigglers. They laid eggs on the side of a plan pot and then transferred them to a pit they dug at the back amongst the Vallis. They appear to take turns in guarding the eggs. I had been feeding them frozen food, then the same day I gave them live...
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    Holy Oscar!

    The pilgrims will be marching on Rawtenstall tonight.
  17. B

    Siamese Algae Eaters

    I just found some today. Aquahome in Leyland, Lancs has a tank of them. They are labelled up as Flying Foxes but the majority are in fact SAEs, with a few false SAEs thrown in. In fact I didn't see a single flying fox in the tank. At £1.89 a pop I got two of them which should shift my hair algae.
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    Diving Photos

    Here is another modified one The action can be obtained from here First link
  19. PB283665_copy.jpg


  20. PB293752_copy.jpg


  21. B

    Diving Photos

    I do a lot of diving myself and take the odd underwater pic. If you have photoshop I have a really good action file to use as a plugin which is great for diving pics and adds all the red back in. I will do a demonstration on some of your pics to show you what it does if you want. Could email...
  22. B

    Species Identification Help Please

    Definitely a Colombian Tetra as others have said. Never really saw them as being hardy and suitable for cycling a tank. I currently have 11 of them, they are great and even breed although most of the fry were eaten by some miracles one survived and is going great now. Few pics of mine. and...
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    Lets See Your Tanks, And Your Fish!

    Well here are the latest ones of my tank, its getting a bit overgrown but I like the wild look. a few of my fishies
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    Picys Of Your Pet

    Pics of Cookie, my ex Parrot (she was a Meyers Parrot)
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    Pics Of You In Foreign Climes

    Me diving in the Red Sea and one of me snorkelling
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    My Kribs

    You should be able to transfer the fry from the tank into a breeding net by using a clean turkey baster.
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    Fish Game #16

    Well I spent three months in India, up north and during some of that time I had a bit of a go at fishing for Mahseer, Otherwise known as Barbus Tor I think. Although don't quote me on that. Actually the best freshwater fish I have ever had the pleasure to catch (and release) ever,
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    The Count - Ah Ah Ah *lightning Stike In Background*

    Just seen it move, maybe all is not lost. Fingers crossed. If it survives it will be a true Vampire shrimp, may Nosferatu survive, I seek your prayers.
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    The Count - Ah Ah Ah *lightning Stike In Background*

    Rollocks, Ijust found my new addition dead. Am gutted, thought he would pull through. Am in two minds to take him back although I was warned by the lfs, but then he was going to be pasted if I left him. Also my car is in the garage so I can't take him back, oh well £7 to the shrimp suicide...
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    New tank diary

    Thanks for the comments I find I have to trim it almost weekly now, especially the Nymphae. I also have a bit of a problem with duckweed, I'm being overun with the stuff and am chucking out loads weekly. I have about 13 shrimps in their keeping on top of the algae, although did have a slight...
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    Pale Patches On Catfish

    They do change colour. I find both of mine become very light when they are out over my light coloured sand, but then once back on the bogwood they darken up again. They also appear to go lighter when startled, could be a sign of stress. If they are light coloured all the time then I would...
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    Coconut Shells...

    Jimboo, Are you covering yours in Riccia or leaving them "naturale"?
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    The Count - Ah Ah Ah *lightning Stike In Background*

    Well I saw this thread this morning and thought the shrimp looked cool. Then I went to my lfs this afternoon and found this fella in a tank of Wood shrimps looking a bit lonely, so I had to buy him. He's about 2" at the moment but they had some bigger ones in another tank that were about 6"...
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    Show Me Your Car!

    Here is a pic of my car taken at the Peak District near Buxton. Also here is a video of my car taken by Blueflame exhaust for marketing purposes after they fitted my exhaust nice and cheap.
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    Vegatables For Fish...

    You should try sweet potato My plecs love it and the Kribs have a good go at it as well. I just slice it and clean it and then par boil it enough so it sinks. It remains quite solid which allows the plecs to rasp on it
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    Marine Biorb - Oh My God

    When I see that tank all I can think is that "Finding Nemo" has a lot to answer for.
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    Oddball Or Not ?

    They had some of these in Aqualife in Leyland Lancashire a few months back. Apparently they are the best algae eaters out there. The lfs had them stickered up as Rhino algae eaters. Seemed quite shy and for some reason I resisted buying one, mainly because I knew nothing about them and didn't...
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    Jewel Tanks And Filters & Jumping Fish

    My juwell filter in my Rio 180 came with a black plastic cap for the top of the filter, I find that stops anything jumping in there.
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    Pictures Of Fry?

    Colombian Tetra fry (a lone survivor)
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    I got mine from Homebase as well. Its a a white bottle with blue writing that says Household Ammonia. Its about £1.99 for 500ml I think.