New tank diary

Ah cheers bud, I think thats the way I will do it when I eventually get round to it. Id prefer another Juwel ballast and a set of smaller flaps to be honest but they cost way too much!

Nice tank anyway, you seem to have some good plant growth going on! :nod:
Picture of the male Bipindi, not in breeding colours as yet.


and another of the female

Ok here is one of the full tank now, plants are growing well still. The water lily has put on a spurt and sent a leaf to the tank surface.


Another pic of the female BN


and finally the latest addition, a male ram (my gf has called him Gordon Ramzi -_- )

I love your tank and am about to go through the same progress with my about to be completed tank. You mentioned that you got the plants from greeline. Was it one of their collections you ordered?? If so what one & what length is your tank?
Cheers for any info you can give
Plants seem to have done well.. did you put anything beneath the sand such as clay, or was just the sand enough?

i do like your tank its really nice but i couldnt keep that too much up keep , what do you weekly ?
and do you use plant growth ?
Thanks for the comments

I find I have to trim it almost weekly now, especially the Nymphae. I also have a bit of a problem with duckweed, I'm being overun with the stuff and am chucking out loads weekly.

I have about 13 shrimps in their keeping on top of the algae, although did have a slight problem with the blue green stuff but that appears to be under control now.

I got rid of the coconut as my Taeniatus didn't like it so replaced it with a half clay pot. I will eventually get round to posting some updated pics of the tank soon.
Looks very nice, I love planted tanks!

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